SIT UPT Factor and Minimum Tax Liability Notice
Last Revised: June 16, 2015
When to run:
Annually or as desired.
What it displays:
These are letters to each dealer that give the names of the jurisdictions where the business is, the tax rates of each jurisdiction, the calculation of the factor and . Also provided is an example of how to calculate the monthly sales amount. The minimum tax liability listed is the sum of levies for each jurisdiction on the account in the Tax Collection System.
Set this client preference:
UPTV_CAPTION: Enter the verbiage desired for last sentence on the UPT rate letter. This may be information about how to contact the tax office, for ex.
COUNTY_TAX_OFFICE: (Dallas County only) Enter the name of the county.
CPA: Enter the tax collector's name and credentials (also uses the description column data for the job title)
JUR_ADDRESS2, JUR_ADDRESS4, JUR_PHONE, JUR_PHONE1: Enter the jurisdiction address and phone number (JUR_ADDRESS2 and JUR_ADDRESS4 are for Dallas County only)
JUR_WEBSITE: URL for the tax office web site (Dallas County only)
JUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS: (Dallas County only): Enter an e-mail address for the tax office.
User Entitlements
The following user entitlements are available on the Batch Menu. They are part of the Run SI Batch Processes task, which is part of the SI Batch Menu job. See Tasks, Entitlements, and Jobs for more information. Individual reports and processes must be assigned to each user.
SI_BATCHMENU: access the batch menu
SI_BATCHREQUEST: access the Batch Request screen
SI_FILE_UPLOAD: access and use the File Upload button
To print these letters:
- From the Main Menu, click Batch Menu. The SIT Batch Menu will appear.
- Click the SIT UPT Factor and Minimum Tax Liability Notice line, batch menu no. 12313.
- Press Enter. The parameter screen for this report will appear.
- Enter your tax office's Client ID for ACT 7.
- Enter the Tax Year for which you want the notice.
- For the Date of Notice, enter the day the letters are being printed.
- Enter the Dealer No. if you only want to print a letter for one dealer.
- In the Minimum Tax Liability Accounts field, enter Y to print letters for accounts whose minimum tax liability is greater than 0 or N to print them for accounts with no tax liability. The title and text of the letters varies according to the selection made here. If N is entered, a message is printed at the top if the account does not exist in the Tax Collection System.
- Click Submit Job.
- Click OK on the "OK to Submit Job" pop-up screen.
- To preview and print your report, see Previewing and Printing Reports.