Viewing a Summary of Payments (Escrow Payment Screen)

Last Revised: July 18, 2022

Information about payments and balances associated with an account is displayed on the Account Status screens. The first tab,Escrow Payments, shows a summary of the payments, penalties, and account balances for a particular account.  You can search for information by dealer or CAD number.

Client Preferences

SIT_USE_HEADER_IMAGE: Set to Y to place the report title in the center of the header, or set to N (the default) to place it on the right side.

User Entitlements

The following user entitlements are used on this screen. They are part of the Manage SI Documents and View Only Major Screens tasks. See Tasks, Entitlements, and Jobs for more information.

SI_ACTVIT01: View and query the Account Status screen

SI_DOCUMENTS: View and query the Documents screen

DOCUMENT_ADD - Allows users to add a document. For users without this entitlement, the Add Document tab is hidden.

DOCUMENT_COMMENTS_UPDATE - Allows users to change the comments attached to a document.

DOCUMENT_VIEW_ALL - Allows users to view restricted documents.

To view the Escrow Payment screen:

  1. Double-click Account Status on the Main Menu or select Account Status on the Go To list.
  2. The Account Status screen will appear, showing the Escrow Payment tab.
  3. If you are carrying an dealer number from another screen, it will appear in the Dealer No. field with the payment data for that dealer and year.  If not, then enter another dealer number or a CAD number in the appropriate space and press Tab.

Notes: If you do not know the dealer number or CAD number, select Account Search in the Go To list. For more information, see Searching for an Account.

  1. The Year defaults to the current year.  Change it if desired.

Note:  Whatever year is entered will carry over to other screens in the SIT system if you use the Go To list.  For example, if you enter 2002 in Account Status screen, then the Owner Master, Account Search, and Notes screens will also display information for only 2002.  If you return to the Main Menu, the year resets to the most current one.

  1. Press Tab.
  2. The following information will be displayed.
Dealer No. A unique number assigned to the account.
Year The current escrow year for special inventory accounts.
CAD No. The number assigned to the account by the appraisal district.
Certified Owner Certified owner of the account.
NSF Fee Returned item fee that is due for that month.  This is highlighted in blue if a NSF fee is still due.
Month Month that the payment is applied to. 'YS' indicates an annual declaration. The YS row will be highlighted if the declaration was late.
Sales Amount Sales amount for that month, provided by the dealer.
Escrow Escrow levy due for that month.  This is the net amount due after voids and reversals.
Penalty Late payment charge, assessed if the payment is made after the 10th of the month being paid.  These amounts are highlighted in yellow.
Escrow Paid Escrow levy paid for that month.  This is the net amount paid after voids and reversals.
Penalty Paid Late payment amounts that have been paid.  They are highlighted in yellow.
Total Paid Total amount paid for the month, including penalty and NSF fees.
Fines Due Total amount due for fines (9xxx units, excluding the NSF unit)
NSF Due Total amount due for NSF (insufficient funds)
Escrow/Refund Overpayments to be refunded.
Amount Due Amount still owed for that particular month.  Note: when an annual shortage payment is due and paid (whether in full or not), the amount due is not zeroed out.  In all other cases, the amount due will be $0.00 if the escrow and penalty have been paid in full.
Sales Checked regardless of sales amount in a month. Unchecked if a payment reversal or a transfer of a complete payment is done. Transfers of a portion of a payment retain the check mark.
Doc Click the asterisk to see the monthly report for the payment (if it was uploaded on the Documents screen or added via the SIT Portal)
Totals Total values for combined monthly payments, which are the sum of all transactions, including reversals and transfers.
Shortage Payment Checked if an annual shortage payment has been made.
Dist. Type Distribution Type - LV (Levy), FP (Fines Paid). Indicates what type of funds were distributed to the tax units.
Levy Penalty, Overage, Total Paid Indicates the amount of funds distributed to tax units for this account.
Sales Notes from Web Portal If sales reports have been filed from the SIT  Portal and the payment taken in the Payment screen, a note about the report will appear here.
  1. Double-click in any of the fields for a particular month to view information about the transactions that were applied to that month.  The following information is displayed:
Month Month to which the payment is applied.
Tax Unit Jurisdiction to which the payment was applied.
Status Indicates the type of transaction. VO means void, RV means reversal.
Receipt No. Receipt number
Receipt Date Receipt date of the payment.
Sales Amount Sales amount for that month, provided by the dealer.
Escrow Escrow levy due for that month.
Penalty Late payment charges due for that month.
Escrow Paid Escrow levy paid for that month.
Penalty Paid Late payment charges paid for that month.
Total Paid Total amount paid for the month, including penalty and NSF fees. Reversals, voids, and transfers out of the account are indicated as negative amounts.
Escrow/Refund Overpayments to be refunded.
Deposit No Deposit number of the highlighted payment.
Validation No System-generated number to the highlighted payment.
Change Date Date the last change was made to the account.
Operator ID User who made the change.
  1. The most recent note having a MSG code appears in the Sticky Notes area at the top of the screen.  To see additional information about the account currently displayed, click the Notes button. In the Notes pop up window, you may enter or change any information.  The Notes button can be clicked at anytime while you are viewing the Account Status screens.
  • To change the information, simply edit the desired note, then click Close.
  • To add a new note, press F6 (Insert) to get a new blank line.  Enter the note.  The Change Date is auto-filled as the current date. Click Close.
  • Select Yes on the confirmation message asking if you want to save the change.
  • To verify the note, click the Notes button again.  The new note will be at top of the popup, since it is the most recent one.
  1. Click the Documents button to see or add documents for this dealer.
  2. When the detail for a month is displayed, the Annual Declaration Receipt, Reprint Receipt and Balance Due Letter buttons are available for use.
  • Annual Declaration Receipt button:  Double-click the payment line for month YS (this should be the top line in the Escrow Payment screen). Click the Annual Decl. Receipt button.  The receipt will print automatically.
  • Reprint Receipt button:  Double-click the payment that you wish to re-print. A pop up window opens that shows information about that payment.  Click the Reprint Receipt button; a duplicate receipt for that payment will be printed automatically.  Receipts cannot be printed for negative sales amounts and refunds. They also cannot be printed for fines payments unless an escrow payment also exists for the account and year. Refunds due do not show on receipts. If the client preference RECEIPT_SHOW_OVERPAY is set to Y, the name of the Balance Due column will change to Overpay for escrow only payments. Overpayments for a particular month are not credited to a different month.
  • Balance Due LTR button:  Double-click a payment that is short of the amount due for that month.  A pop up window opens that shows information about that payment.  Click the Balance Due Letter button; a duplicate of the Balance Due Letter sent to the account owner will be generated.
  1. In order to view information about a specific payment, click the Transaction Detail button on this pop-up.  The following information will be displayed in another popup window:
Validation No. A unique, system-generated number assigned to that payment.
Transaction No. A unique, system-generated number assigned to that payment.
Deposit Date The deposit date of the transaction.
Check No. Check number, if applicable.
Payer Name Payer's name, either the certified owner or the alternate payer.
Payment Type 1 for checks, 2 for cash
Payment Amount Payment amount tendered.
Change Due Amount of cash tendered over the amount due.
Pulled from Escrow Amount pulled from a previous receipt where there are escrow/refund monies. This field is not visible if no escrow/refund monies are available.
  1. To return to the Escrow Payment screen, click Close on all pop-ups.