SIT Load Annual Declaration File

Last Revised:  April 5, 2022

This process loads annual declaration information from a tab-delimited .txt file that contains dealer numbers, receipt dates, and sales amounts. A deposit is created for this yearly sales (YS) data. If a yearly sales record already exists, another one can be added. The Account Status screen displays the sum of these 'payments'; you can double-click to see the individual records.

User Entitlements

The following user entitlements are available on the Batch Menu. They are part of the Run SI Batch Processes task, which is part of the SI Batch Menu job. See Tasks, Entitlements, and Jobs for more information. Individual reports and processes must be assigned to each user.

SI_BATCHMENU: access the batch menu

SI_BATCHREQUEST: access the Batch Request screen

SI_FILE_UPLOAD: access and use the File Upload button

To run this process:

  1. From the Main Menu, click Batch Menu.  The ACT Batch Menu will appear.
  2. Click the SIT Load Annual Declaration File line, batch menu no. 12507, to highlight it.  You may need to scroll down to see this.
  3. Press Enter.  The parameter screen for this process will appear.
  4. Enter your tax office's ACT Client ID.
  5. Enter the Tax Year for which to load the annual declarations.
  6. In the File Name field, enter the name of the .txt file (case sensitive, include the extension). This file must be tab delimited.
  7. In the Process Option field, enter E for edit (which lists any accounts that already have yearly sales records) or U for update (which creates the deposit and loads the data).
  8. Click Submit Job.
  9. Click OK on the OK to Submit Job pop-up screen.
  10. To see when the process is complete, see Previewing and Printing Reports. A log file, a report of accounts with existing annual declarations, and a list of accounts with duplicate rows in the data file are produced.