Storing Document Images
Last Revised: December 20, 2022
Documents screen: The Documents screen can be used to store and retrieve any type of document, spreadsheet or image and associate the document with any dealer. Depending on a user's security settings, documents can be deleted or hidden from view. Sales reports from the SIT Portal are saved automatically as documents.
Automated Document Storage Process: Users can scan documents at their workstation and have them sent directly to a pre-defined folder that will then load it to the proper tax account overnight. This eliminates the need to manually attach the document via the Documents screen. See below for more information.
User Entitlements
The following user entitlements are used on this screen. They are part of the Manage SI Documents and View Only Major Screens tasks, which are part of most jobs. See Tasks, Entitlements, and Jobs for more information.
SI_DOCUMENTS: View and query the Documents screen
DOCUMENT_ADD - Allows users to add a document. For users without this entitlement, the Add Document tab is hidden.
DOCUMENT_COMMENTS_UPDATE - Allows users to change the comments attached to a document.
DOCUMENT_DELETE - Allows users to delete a document from the system once it has been added. The Delete button will be grayed out for users without this entitlement.
DOCUMENT_VIEW_ALL - Allows users to view restricted documents.
Client Preference:
IMAGE_ERROR_EMAIL: Enter an email address for sending information about errors in this process.
Searching for, Viewing and Deleting Documents
- From the Main Menu, double-click Documents or from any screen, click the Go To list and select Documents.
- The Documents screen will open in 'query mode', which will allow you to search or a document. After doing a search, you can view a document or make changes to the comments. To do a search on the Documents tab, enter one or more of the following:
- Dealer No - retrieve all documents related to a specified account number.
- Year - (not available on Account Status screen) retrieve all documents that were entered for a specified year.
- Press F8. The documents found for the search criteria will be listed.
- To view a document, click the button with the asterisk (*) on it at the end of the row for the document you want to see.
Note: If the asterisk is missing, the document is restricted from your view.
- If you have the DOCUMENT_COMMENTS_UPDATE entitlement, you can change an existing comment. You cannot change the contents of the uploaded document.
- To Delete a stored document, highlight the row and click the Delete button on the lower right side of the screen. Click Yes to the confirmation message.
Adding Documents to be Stored
- From the Main Menu, select Main Menu, select Documents or from any screen in SIT, click the Go To list and select Documents.
- The Documents screen will open. You do not need to do a search before adding a new document.
- If the account has documents stored already, they will be listed in the Documents screen. If not, a message appears saying no data can be found.
- Click the Add Document tab.
- Enter the Dealer No. to which the document will be attached. The number may be auto-populated if you have come to the screen with an account.
- The Year field defaults to the current tax year. Change this if needed to the year for which the document is to be stored.
- In theReference drop-down list, select either the correct Month, Annual, or Other.
- From the drop-down list, select the Document Type. Currently, the options are Annual Declaration, Check, Correspondence, License Closure Notice, Monthly Report, Other, Payment Reversal, Request Form, Returned Check Notice or Waiver Request.
- Enter a short description in the Description field.
- Enter Comments in the space provided.
- If the document to be stored pertains to several dealers, the image can be stored for all of the dealers. Click the Add Multiple Dealers button. The Add Multiple Accounts window will appear. If the accounts are listed in the trigger table, the request sequence number can be entered here to retrieve the accounts. The accounts can also be entered manually on the popup window.
Note: Entering multiple accounts must be done by either request sequence number or manual entry, but cannot be done by both at the same time.
Click the Browse button to find the file to be stored. Use this window to locate and select the file to be stored. Once the file is selected, the directory and filename should appear in the Filename field.
- If you want this document to be viewed by some, but not all users, check the Restricted box before uploading the document. To view a restricted document, the user must have the user entitlement DOCUMENT_VIEW_ALL checked.
- Click the Upload Document button.
- Click OK to the confirmation message. When the file has been loaded to the system, there is no further saving to be done.
- To view an uploaded document, refer to the Searching for, Viewing and Deleting Documents section of this topic.
To add documents using an automated storage process:
The second method for adding documents is a two-step process. First, send them from your tax office scanner to a directory on the ACT server. A process will then run automatically to retrieve them and place them for viewing on the Documents screen.
Global Codeset and Client Preferences: To do this, the global codeset entries for SCANCAT_EXT_TYPE, SIT_DOC_TYPE, and INTERNAL_IMAGES_DIR must be set in TCS(this will be done by ACT). The client preferenceIMAGE_ERROR_EMAIL must be set in SIT. ACT may require additional information, such as external IP addresses of the scanners.
File Names: Each file to be scanned must have a file name of no more than 50 characters in this format: account1,account2,account3-doc_type-comment.file_extension, where doc_type is the number associated with the document type you are scanning (for ex., 123456-27-return mail.jpg). The Document Type numbers are given in the table above.
Processing: A process runs regularly during the day to upload these documents to the correct account. Batch menu entries are created each time this process runs; an email is sent if errors occur when loading certain document files.