SIT Tax Receipts by Deposit

Last Revised:  January 18, 2017

These are batch receipts for either a particular dealer, deposit, or deposit date.  (You can print a receipt for a single transaction from the Account Status screen; you must double-click on the desired line first).  Addresses on the receipts are taken from the Alternate Address - DBA fields on the Owner Master screen.

Reversal and transfer transactions are not shown on these receipts.

Client Preferences

SIT_RECEIPT_NAME: Enter ACTVIT01 for the original receipt (all except Dallas County) or ACTIVT01_FORMAT2 (Dallas County only). Note that for these batch receipts, this preference must be set to ACTVIT01. For other settings, see batch menu no. 12304, SIT Monthly Escrow Receipts.

ORIGINAL_RECEIPT_FORMAT: If SIT_RECEIPT_NAME is set to ACTVIT01, set this to FORMAT1 (default) or FORMAT2 (Harris County only)

UPAY_TOLER: Set this to the maximum amount your tax office will accept as an underpayment and still consider the account and month as being paid in full.

HIDE_YTD_BAL_ON_RECEIPT: To hide the Year to Date balance line on the receipt, set to Y. To show this line, set to N.

ZERO_BAL_DUE_ON_RECEIPT: To enter the balance due for the payment to $0.00 if the payment amount was within the amount set in UPAY_TOLER, set this to Y; to show the tolerance amount as being due, set to N.  The tolerance amount will still be used in the Current Month Balance Outstanding and year to Date Balance Outstanding fields at the bottom of the receipt.

UPTV_PRECISION: Set this to the number of digits to follow the decimal point in the factor calculation.  The factor appears on receipts.

RETURNADDR_POBOX, RETURNADDR_CITY, RETURNADDR_STATE, RETURNADDR_ZIP, and RETURNADDR_PHONE - Enter the desired return address information. If these preferences are expired or do not exist, the information from the Tax Unit Maintenance screen for the PRIM_JURIS is used.

SIT_USE_HEADER_IMAGE: Set to Y to place the report title in the center of the header, or set to N (the default) to place it on the right side.

CPA: Enter the tax collector's name and credentials (also uses the description column data for the job title)

NAME: Enter your tax office's name (without the words 'tax office').

PRINT_JUR_EMAIL: Set to Y to print the jurisdiction e-mail address on receipts and certain letters. Set to N (the default) to avoid printing this.

CLIENT_WEBSITE (a TCS preference): Enter the URL for the tax office web site.

PRINT_MASK: Set mask for printing (where hyphens are placed in the dealer or appraisal district numbers). Contact ACT for assistance

User Entitlements

The following user entitlements are available on the Batch Menu. They are part of the Run SI Batch Processes task, which is part of the SI Batch Menu job. See Tasks, Entitlements, and Jobs for more information. Individual reports and processes must be assigned to each user.

SI_BATCHMENU: access the batch menu

SI_BATCHREQUEST: access the Batch Request screen

SI_FILE_UPLOAD: access and use the File Upload button

To run the SIT Monthly Escrow Receipt:

  1. From the Main Menu, click Batch Menu.  The SIT Batch Menu will appear.
  2. Click the line for batch menu no. 12235.
  3. Press Enter.  The parameter screen for this report will appear.
  4. Enter your tax office's Client ID for ACT 7.
  5. Enter the Year to which the payments were applied.
  6. Enter one or more of the following fields, depending on how you want to limit the number of receipts printed:  Can (Dealer No.)., Deposit No.,and Deposit  Date. You must enter either a Deposit No. or a Deposit Date.
  7. In the Duplicate Receipt field, leave N to print original receipts or Y to print duplicate receipts. The receipt title changes depending on what you enter in this field.
  8. Click Submit Job.
  9. Click OK on the "OK to Submit Job" pop-up screen.
  10. To preview and print your report, see Previewing and Printing Reports.