Opening a Deposit

Last Revised:  February 2, 2022

A deposit must be opened before any SIT payment can be taken.  You must open a different deposit for each type of payment you process (online, reverse, or transfer). The same steps are used to open each deposit.  The only difference is which item you select on the Main Menu and the name of the button that you press to go to a payment screen.

To print the SIT Dealer report (which is also on the batch menu), click the Print Daily Escrow Report button from the Online or Reversal Deposit screens.

User Entitlements (for Online Deposits only)

The following user entitlements are used on this screen. They are part of the Make SI Online Payment task, which is part of the SI Cashier and SI Head Cashier jobs. See Tasks, Entitlements, and Jobs for more information.

SI_ACT8001V: Access to query and create online deposits

SI_CHANGE_DEPDATES: Ability to change deposit and receipt dates when creating online deposits

SI_NSF_ADD: Ability to add an NSF fee in online and reversal deposits

SI_NSF_DELETE: Ability to delete an NSF fee in online deposits

SI_PAYMENT_PENALTY_OVERRIDE: Use radio buttons for penalty override [pref PAYMENT_PENALTY_OVERRIDE must be set to Y]

SI_PAYMENT_VOID: Ability to void a payment

SI_SHOW_DEPCTL_TOTALS: Show deposit control totals (granted by default)

The instructions below assume that you want to open an online payment deposit.

  1. Double-click Online Payment on the Main Menu or select Online Payment on the Go To list (available on the Account Search, Account Status,  Owner Master, and Notes screens).
  2. In the Deposit Control screen, enter the following information to create a deposit:

Deposit No:  Enter a combination of numbers and/or letters to identify the deposit.  This is usually done at the beginning of each day.  A separate deposit must be opened for each operator on the system. Special characters and spaces cannot be in the Deposit Number.

If the client preference DEPOSIT_AUTO_NAME is set to Y, deposit numbers are system-generated, and prefixed according to the deposit type selected: P for special inventory escrow, H for hotel, F for fines, A for annual declaration, R fpr reversals, S for shortage, T for transfers, X for special inventory escrow refunds, and Y for special inventory refunds.

Current Year:  The year for which you will be accepting payments in this deposit. This defaults to the current year. You can change it to a prior year if you wish.

Deposit Date:  The default is the system date, but this may be changed at the discretion of the tax office. The Deposit Date cannot be a date in the future. If the Deposit Date is before the Receipt Date, a message will appear asking if you want to continue. Only authorized users can enter such prior deposit dates. Only authorized users may enter a deposit date that is prior to the current date.  See Security and Roles for more details.

Receipt Date:   The default is the system date, but this may be changed at the discretion of the tax office.  In most circumstances a change will occur when a payment is postmarked correctly, but not deposited until after the date a penalty begins to accrue.   A change of receipt date in this case prevents the inappropriate calculation of penalties for late payment.  The Receipt Date cannot be a date in the future.

Deposit Status:  The default is Open.

Deposit Type: Choose the appropriate type for the payment you are making.  The options include Special Inventory Escrow (a normal SIT payment), Hotel Occupancy Tax, Fines Special Inventory, Annual Declaration, and Shortage Payment.

Split Pay:  The default is No.

  1. Click the Payment Transaction button, which opens the Payment Entry screen. (To post payments made on the SIT Portal, click Pmt Transaction-Multiple to open the Portal Payment screen. See Posting Portal Payments for instructions on how to complete these payments.)
  2. The SIT program generates the other fields on the Deposit Control screen automatically.  They are as follows:

Payment Count - the number of transactions in the deposit.  Voids are counted as a transaction.

Creator ID:  The operator's name.

Cumulative Totals: The collected totals for the particular deposit and types of payments received (cash, check, credit card).

Change Date:  Date a deposit was created or last updated.

Operator ID:  Name of the operator who created the deposit.