SIT Jurisdiction SI Dealer Report
Last Revised: June 20, 2023
When to run:
As desired.
What it displays:
This lists, by jurisdiction, all SIT accounts for that unit. The data is grouped by dealer type (auto, boat) and includes the jurisdiction name and number, dealer names and numbers, and CAD numbers. The total number of dealers in each jurisdiction is given at the end of each jurisdiction listing, and a grand total of dealers is provided at the end. A .csv file of the same data is also created.
User Entitlements
The following user entitlements are available on the Batch Menu. They are part of the Run SI Batch Processes task, which is part of the SI Batch Menu job. See Tasks, Entitlements, and Jobs for more information. Individual reports and processes must be assigned to each user.
SI_BATCHMENU: access the batch menu
SI_BATCHREQUEST: access the Batch Request screen
SI_FILE_UPLOAD: access and use the File Upload button
To run the SIT Jurisdiction SI Dealer Letters:
- From the Main Menu, click Batch Menu. The SIT Batch Menu will appear.
- Click the SIT Jurisdiction Dealers line, batch menu no. 12207.
- Press Enter. The parameter screen for this report will appear.
- Enter your tax office's Client ID for ACT 7.
- Enter the Year for which you are printing the report.
- If you want to report data for only one jurisdiction, enter the jurisdiction number In the Tax Unit field. Leave blank to report data for all jurisdictions.
- Click Submit Job.
- Click OK on the "OK to Submit Job" pop-up screen.
- To preview and print your report and .csv file, see Previewing and Printing Reports.