Load Receivables for Missing Sales Fines and Penalties
Last Revised: June 25, 2019
This process loads missing sales fines and penalties for particular month(s) or day(s) for active SIT accounts. A $500 monthly fine or $100 daily fine can be assessed. If multiple payments have been made for a particular month, fines are not assessed if one of those payments was made on time. Accounts having a start date within 90 days of the end of the Sale Month (see below) are excluded from this process.
User Entitlements
The following user entitlements are available on the Batch Menu. They are part of the Run SI Batch Processes task, which is part of the SI Batch Menu job. See Tasks, Entitlements, and Jobs for more information. Individual reports and processes must be assigned to each user.
SI_BATCHMENU: access the batch menu
SI_BATCHREQUEST: access the Batch Request screen
SI_FILE_UPLOAD: access and use the File Upload button
Client Preference:
CHARGE_DAILY_FINE: Set to Y to charge a daily fine; set to N to not do this.
Two tax units must be created to store the daily and monthly fines. For the daily fine unit, the Unit Type must be MPENALTY; for the monthly fine unit, the Unit Type must be MFEE
To run this process:
- From the Main Menu, click Batch Menu. The ACT Batch Menu will appear.
- Click the SIT Load Missing Sales Fines and Penalties line, batch menu no. 12116.
- Press Enter. The parameter screen for this process will appear.
- Enter your tax office's ACT Client ID.
- Enter the SIT Tax Year for which to load the fines and penalties.
- Enter the Sales Month(s) for which to load the fines and penalties. If a sales report is not filed for that month for a particular dealer, fines will be assessed.
- (optional) Enter a Dealer No. for which to load the fines and penalties.
- In the Calculation Type field, enter M for month (one fine and one penalty created on the 11th of the next month; for heavy equipment, the 21st of the month) or D for daily (a daily calculation from the 11th of the next month; for heavy equipment, the 21st of the month). Note that if M is entered and the client preference CHARGE_DAILY_FINE is set to Y, a daily fine will still be charged, but on a monthly basis instead of daily.
- In the Accumulate Charges field, enter Y to accumulate recurring monthly and/or daily charges up to the system date (or end of the prior month if it is before the 11th of the current month; for heavy equipment the 21st of the month), or N to assess charges only for the missing sales month. Do not accumulate charges from month to month.
- In the Process Option field, enter E for edit or U for update.
- Click Submit Job.
- Click OK on the OK to Submit Job pop-up screen.
- To see when the process is complete, see Previewing and Printing Reports. A log file is produced.