Process a Payment

Last Revised: June 22, 2022

A deposit must be opened or re-opened before any permit payment can be taken. If the owner has multiple permits, individual permits/licenses can be selected for payment. The full amount due for each permit must be paid.

Security jobs, tasks, and entitlements for using this screen are:

Job Task Entitlement and Description
LP_CASHIER USE_ACCOUNT_SEARCH ACTBLW_07, use the Account Search screen
VIEW_ACCOUNT_STATUS ACTBLW_03, View permit status and payment information on the Account Status screen
ADD_PERMIT_FEES_BUTTON, see the Add Fees button
DELETE_PERMITS, see the Delete Permits button
VIEW_ACCOUNT_MASTER ACTBLW_05, View location/owner information and add comments (account notes) on the Account Master screen
TAKE_A_PAYMENT ACTBLW_01, access to the Deposit Control screen
LP_SHOW_DEPCTL_TOTALS, displays the counts and amounts for the deposit on the Deposit Control screen
LP_PERMIT_DEPOSIT, needed to open a Permit deposit for taking payments
LP_CHANGE_DEPDATE, ability to change the date of a deposit on the Deposit Control screen
LP_CHANGE_PAIDDATE, ability to change the receipt date of a deposit on the Deposit Control screen
LP_CHANGE_PMT_PAIDDATE, ability to change the receipt date of a payment on the Remittance screen
LP_CLOSE_OWN_DEPOSIT, allows the user to close only the deposit they have opened
LP_VOID_PAYMENT, ability to void a payment when voids are allowed
LP_HEAD_CASHIER USE_ACCOUNT_SEARCH ACTBLW_07, use the Account Search screen
VIEW_ACCOUNT_STATUS ACTBLW_03, View permit status and payment information on the Account Status screen
ADD_PERMIT_FEES_BUTTON, see the Add Fees button
DELETE_PERMITS, see the Delete Permits button
VIEW_ACCOUNT_MASTER ACTBLW_05, View location/owner information and add  comments (account notes) on the Account Master screen
TAKE_A_PAYMENT_AND_REVERSALS ACTBLW_01, access to the Deposit Control screen
LP_SHOW_DEPCTL_TOTALS, displays the counts and amounts for the deposit on the Deposit Control screen
LP_PERMIT_DEPOSIT, needed to open a Permit deposit for taking payments
LP_CHANGE_DEPDATE, ability to change the date of a deposit on the Deposit Control screen
LP_CHANGE_PAIDDATE, ability to change the receipt date of a deposit on the Deposit Control screen
LP_CHANGE_PMT_PAIDDATE, ability to change the receipt date of a payment on the Remittance screen
LP_REVERSAL_DEPOSIT, needed to open a Reversal deposit for reversing payments
LP_CLOSE_OWN_DEPOSIT, allows the user to close only the deposit they have opened
LP_CLOSE_DEPOSITS, allows the user to close any open deposit [this entitlement is not granted by default when the task is assigned]
LP_REOPEN_DEPOSIT_ANY_DAY, allows the user to re-open any deposit, regardless of when it was opened or by user [This entitlement is not granted by default]
LP_REOPEN_DEPOSIT_SAME_DAY, allows the user to re-open only the deposit they have closed on the same day [This entitlement is not granted by default]
AUTHORIZE_VOID_OF_PAYMENT LP_AUTHORIZE_VOID, ability to authorize another user to void a payment when voids with authorization is allowed [This entitlement is for a future enhancement and is not granted by default]
LP_AUTH_VOIDS_SAME_USER, ability to authorize they own void of a payment when voids with authorization is allowed [This entitlement is for a future enhancement and is not granted by default] LP_VOID_PAYMENT, ability to void a payment when voids are allowed [not granted by default]

For step-by-step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.

Client Preferences:

PRINT_OPERCODE_ON_RECEIPT: Set to Y to print the user name from time of payment on receipts. Set to N (the default) to omit this.

PERMIT_COUNTY_NAME: Enter the county name for beer receipts.Do not include the word 'County'.

CITY_RECEIPT_TITLE: Title of the receipt for city permit fees

BEER_RECEIPT_WATERMARK: Enter Y to include a watermark for the beer receipt or N to not do this.

LP_RECEIPT_OBJECT: Enter the name of the receipt object (format) to use. The default is BLW_RECEIPT, which can be used for separate beer and liquor receipts. To combine these all on one receipt, enter BLW_ALCOHOL_RECEIPT.

To process a payment, you must come to the Deposit Control from another screen that displays a business/location.

  1. Open or re-open a Liquor/Permit deposit.
  2. Click Payment Transaction; the Accounts screen, total due for all permits for that business/location, and owner's name will already be filled in. If the background of the Account No. field is yellow, a comment is associated with one or more of the permits.
  3. Enter additional account numbers if desired. Press Tab after each entry to see the amount due. Both 6 and 7-digit account numbers can be entered.
  4. Click the Remittance tab. The Total Due and Permit Count reflects the information for the permits you wish to pay. If the Account No. field has 'Multiple' in it, that indicates the owner has multiple accounts.
  5. (optional) Change the Receipt Date if needed.
  6. If you want to see the comments for permits or are not paying the total amount due for all permits, click the Fee Detail tab. All permits for the business/location will appear.
  7. Click the Comments button, if it is yellow, to see any comments or notes made about this permit.
  8. Check the Exclude box next to any permits that you do not want to pay.  All remaining permits must be paid in full.
  9. Click the Remittance tab to enter payment information.
  10. If you are not paying by check, select a different Payment Type from the drop-down list.
  11. If paying by check, enter the Check numbers.
  12. If paying by credit card, enter an Authorization No.
  13. In the Payment Amount field, enter the amount you want to pay.
  14. Press Tab; the amount you entered will be shown in the Amount field. This cannot be more than the total due.
  15. If the payer is not the certified owner, click in the line for the payment amount click Payer Info.
  16. In the Payer Information pop up window, the certified owner information appears. Enter the correct name, address, and phone, then press Save/Close to return to the Remittance screen.
  17. If you have additional checks, cash, etc. repeat steps 9-15.
  18. Press Apply; a "Transaction complete, records applied and saved" message will appear at the bottom of the screen. There will also be a popup asking if you want to print a receipt.  Click Yes or No.  Receipts for liquor permits look different from those for beer or mixed beverage permits. The receipt number is system-generated.

If you attempted to pay less than the full amount owed, a popup message appears asking you to re-enter the correct amount.

  1. In the Go To list, select Account Status. The payment amount will be displayed in the Paid column. The paid transaction can also be reviewed on the Remittance tab of the Status screen. The payer's name and address is displayed at the bottom of this screen.

If for some reason the receipt does not print,  the account information on the Accounts tab will appear as if the payment had not been taken. Do not attempt to pay the account again. The payment will be correctly displayed on the Account Status screen.

Receipts for beer permits are printed in triplicate, per the state requirement. Separate receipts print for each payment type in a transaction (for ex., check, cash). The Date field gives the maximum expiration date of the permit(s). The License No. field says 'NEW APP'  if the status of the permit is 'Applicant', otherwise it. gives the permit number(s).  One beer permit is printed for each year and permit type. If city permit fees were collected, these receipts will be printed after all of the state receipts for the beer permits.

For liquor permits, the Memo field gives the most recent expiration date of the permit and the Ref. No. field includes the permit number.  The field at the top left displays the receipt date of the payment. Only one permit is listed per receipt unless there are multiple permits per location, per payment. A separate receipt prints for any city permit fees collected.

For payments that have multiple payers, each receipt shows the amount paid by each payer, not the total amount of the payment. Receipts for multiple permits list permits in descending order by expiration date.