Main Menu

Last Revised: August 13, 2009

The Main Menu is the first screen to be displayed after logging on.  

There are two ways to begin working in the Permits system:

  1. Click the desired title from the menu bar at the top of the screen (for example, Inquiry, Update, Payment,) then select the screen you want to use, or
  2. Click the buttons in the middle of the screen to select the screen you wish to use next.

Press This Button


...To Go To This Screen

Search - when you need to find a particular owner or permit..

Owner/Location- to view all permits associated with that owner/location.

Account Status - to view the status of an account and includes remittance history.

Permit Entry -  to add a new permit.

Payment Process - to open the Deposit Control screen, which must be completed before other payment screens can be displayed.

Reports -  to generate and print reports.

Help- to go to the online help system.

Exit - to log the user out and closes the Permits application.