Viewing, Entering, and Changing Notes

Last Revision: March 12, 2018

Notes pertaining to an business can be added in the Permits system.

Entitlements (part of the Manage Notes task):

LP_NOTES_QUERY: View notes

LP_NOTES_INSERT: Enter notes

LP_NOTES_UPDATE: Change existing notes

LP_NOTES_UPDATE_ONLY_OWN_NOTES: Change only notes that you entered if LP_NOTES_UPDAYEis not granted

LP_NOTES_DELETE: Delete notes

LP_DELETE_ONLY_OWN_NOTES: Delete only notes that you entered if LP_NOTES_DELETE is not granted

To use the Notes pop up window:

  1. To view the notes for within most Permits screens, click the Notes button at the top of the screen. A popup window of notes for that hotel will appear.

To enter a note :

  1. Click in the first blank line in the Notes column (you may have to scroll down the list).  If all visible rows contain notes, click the Add button to create a new blank line.
  2. Type in the note you want to add.
  3. If you want the note to appear in the blue area at the top of most screens, enter a MSG in the MSG field. If more than one note has this MSG, the note with the highest Seq. No. will appear in the Sticky Note area.
  4. To have the note appear in a yellow alert pop up window instead, enter an ALT in the MSG field.
  5. Click Save
  6. Click Close Window.

To change a note from rhe Notes screen:

  1. Click in the row containing the row you want to change.
  2. You can change only the Sticky and Rank fields.
  3. You can prevent a sticky note or alert pop up from appearing by entering an expiration date that is prior to the current date.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Close Window.

To delete a note from the Notes screen:

  1. Click in the row containing the row you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Close Window.