
Last Revised: March 4, 2010

An Entitlement screen, which can be accessed from any place in the system, shows the user tasks and entitlements assigned to that user for the particular screen you are on when you click Entitlements on the menu bar at the top of the screen. While any user can view the screen, only users having the user entitlement USER_ADMIN  and the role called USER_ADMIN can make changes.

To view the Entitlement screen,

  1. From any screen in the system, click Entitlements on the menu bar at the top of the screen. A window will open showing the entitlements for that screen. (Only users authorized to make changes on this window will see a User Name field and a Save Changes button.)

If the user has been granted the entitlement there will be Y in the Allow column. If the entitlement is not granted the words 'NOT GRANTED' will appear in the Allow column.

  1. Click Exit to close the window.

To see the task(s) and jobs an entitlement is assigned to,

  1. Double-click on an entitlement name. Another window appears that shows the task(s) and job(s) to which the entitlement belongs.
  2. This new window will also display the jobs to which a task is assigned. Double-click a Job on the right side of the popup to view another popup window.
  3. Click Close to exit this window.

To make changes to entitlements (authorized users only),

  1. From any screen in the system, click Entitlements on the menu bar at the top of the screen. A window will open showing the entitlements for the screen.
  2. Select the user to change by clicking the asterisk (*) next to the User Name field.
  3. Select the user to view/change from the list after clicking the * button next to the field, highlighting the user's name (or searching for it), then clicking OK to return to the Entitlements screen.
  4. To change a user's entitlements for the screen, change the Y to N in the Allow field or vice versa.  You cannot change 'NOT GRANTED' entitlements; these are not assigned to the tasks that the current user has.

Note: Add a 'NOT GRANTED' entitlement must be done in the Tax Collection System. Click here for more information.

  1. Click the Save Changes button.

Note: When changing a user's entitlements using this window the changes are permanent for that user.