Void a Disbursement

Last Revised: March 28, 2014

Disbursements loads for county disbursements processed through batch menu no. 15103 and city disbursements, batch menu no. 15016 can be voided. If you have voided one of these loads in TaxLedge, you must also void them in the Permits system.  Doing a void means that the permits in the load will be available for disbursing again.

Users must have the LP_FOUNDATION role in order to void disbursements. This role allows the Permits and TaxLedge systems to interact.

Security jobs, tasks, and entitlements needed to void disbursements are:

Job Task Entitlement and Description
VOID_DISBURSEMENTS LP_DISBURSEMENT_VOID, ability to void a disbursement load from the Disbursement screen.

For step-by-step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.

All voids are done in the Disbursement screen. Follow the instructions below:

  1. From the Main Menu, click Update, then Disbursements. The Disbursements screen will appear, filled with permits that have been paid but not previously selected for disbursement and are in closed deposits.
  2. (optional) To view permits that have already been disbursed, click the Show Disbursed checkbox.  The Load numbers and, possibly, the Check numbers will be filled in for these permits.
  3. Click Void Disbursement. The Disbursements Available to Void window appears, showing all of the city, state and county loads that have been created but not posted back in TaxLedge.
  4. Check the box in the Void column next to the load you want to void.
  5. Click Process Void. A confirmation message will appear.
  6. If you voided a load with county fees, you can run batch menu no. 15105, Undisbursed County Funds report.

Technical Note: The Load Seq no. is removed and for voided refunds, the IT status reverts back to RF