Fee Maintenance
Last Revised: September 30, 2010
Refunds can be processed for full payments or for just the fee amounts that were paid along with the permit amounts. The process discussed below creates a batch that can be loaded into TaxLedge to process the refund and write the checks. Prior to running this process, the refunds must have been selected and placed in a refund deposit. For instructions on creating refunds, see Create a Refund.
Security jobs, tasks, and entitlements using this screen are:
Job | Task | Entitlement and Description |
LP_ACCOUNTING, LP_ACCOUNTING_MANAGER | RUN_BATCH_JOBS_AND_REPORTS | LP_BATCH_MENU, access to the batch menu screen and 15102 County Payment Reconciliation Report, 15103 County Disbursement Process |
LP_BATCH_REQUEST, access to the batch request screen to review reports | ||
FILE_UPLOAD, activates the File Upload button on the Batch Menu screen |
For step-by-step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.
To create the refund batch, :
- Be sure all of the refund deposits to be processed are closed. Open deposits will not be picked up by this process.
- From the Main Menu, click the Batch Products button or select Products then select Batch Products. The Batch Menu will appear.
- Click on the Refund Process line, batch menu no. 15008.
Press Enter. The parameter screen appears.
- Enter your tax office's Client ID if it is not already filled in.
- Enter Begin and End Deposit Dates for the deposits to be processed.
- In the Process Option field, enter. E for edit or U for update,. When you update, a file is created that can be loaded into TaxLedge. From there, checks can be written and sent out. The Edit report lists the permit numbers, payer names and amounts, plus total refund amounts. The Update report shows the total refund amounts and the disbursement load number.
- Click the Submit button.
- Click OKon the "OK to Submit Job" message.
- To review and print your report, see Reviewing/Printing Reports..The 'Completed Disbursement Load' number is given, as is the total refund amount.
Technical Note: The Status changes from RF (pending refund) to IT (in transit)
Once this part of the process is done, the load number can be also viewed in the Disbursement screen's Disbursements Available to Void popup window. This can be used to void the load, just like with the county disbursement loads. See Void a Disbursement for more information.
To process refund checks in TaxLedge
- Open TaxLedge and log in.
- On TaxLedge’s Main Menu bar, select Disbursements, then select Refunds. The Refunds (Payment Remittance) screen will be displayed.
- In the Refunds (Payment Remittance) screen, choose Permits Refund from the Payment Type drop-down list. The type should correspond to the refund type chosen when the TC536 was run.
- In the Batch Seq. field, enter the Completed Disbursement Load number from when you ran batch menu no. 15008 in update mode.
- By default the Unrequested box is checked, which loads only those records that have not yet gone through the request checks process. If all records – processed and not processed – are to be loaded, click the Unrequested Only box to uncheck the box.
- Click the Load Refund button.
Notes: If there are multiple batches to choose from, a Load Batches pop-up will appear asking which batch you want to load. Batches of refunds put on hold in the Tax Collection System can be loaded in TaxLedge. You may not want to do this, so be careful which batch you choose.
- A confirmation message will appear. ClickYes to begin the load.
- After the file is loaded, the Refunds (Payment Remittance) screen displays the records.
- Continue processing the load as you would do other TaxLedge refund batches. See Disburse through TaxLedge for instructions.
Technical Note:After posting back the refund batch, the Status changes from IT to RD.
- After posting back the refund(s) to the Permits system, you can see the refund deposit in the Account Status screen by clicking that permit line, then going to the Remittance screen. The deposit number is 'RD[request seq. no. that was loaded into TaxLedge]', for ex., 'RD591868'.