Disburse Permits through TaxLedge

Last Revised: July 30, 2015

TaxLedge can be used to disburse funds to the county and, if applicable, a city. For funds processed by running batch menu no. 15103, which are county fees for both liquor and beer permits, only one load needs to be done, to the county.

Current security requirements include having access to TaxLedge. For step-by-step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help. Specific TaxLedge jobs, tasks, and entitlements can be found here.

  1. Log onto TaxLedge and go to the Refund screen.
  2. Enter the Batch Seq. number from when you ran the county or city disbursement batch menu processes in the Permits system.  
  3. Select the file type you wish to load from the File Type drop-down menu.  For funds going to the county, select Permit Disbursement to County (PERC); for funds going to the city, select Permit Disbursement to City (PERL).
  4. Click Load Refund.
  5. A confirmation message will appear. If you click No to the confirmation message, the process ends. Click Yes to begin the load.
  6. After the file is loaded, the Payment Remittance screen displays the records.  TaxLedge assigns a Load Number. The Date Range defaults to the date the load was created in the Disbursement screen. The Account No. displays the Permit No.

Note: At the bottom line of the screen there are three blank lines to add a reference, comment or a reason. Typing a reference and/or a comment will be printed on the check. If the comments are the same for multiple permits, only one check will print for each comment. (Normally, in the Permits system, only one check is printed for the entire batch). Typing a reason is like adding a note, it will not show on the check.

  1. Choose the Combine Payments Override Max. Allowed radio button in the lower right corner.  This allow only the total amount due to appear on the check stub instead of printing every permit being paid, which will probably cause multiple pages to print for each check.
  2. Click Process.
  3. Click OK to the confirmation message.

Check Run

  1. Return to the Main Menu, click Check Writer, then select Check Run from the list.  The Check Writer screen will appear.  
  2. Select a Payment Type box (this might be checks or ACH). All batches ready for payment will be displayed on the right side of the screen.
  3. Click in the Selected box(es) next to the batch(es) you want to process.  A checkmark will appear in the box(es).

Note: To pay all the batches displayed, click the Select All Dates button.  A checkmark will be placed in all the Date Select boxes. However, you can only select multiple batches of the same transaction type (for ex., all overpayments or all jurisdiction remittances).

  1. The Bank Account defaults to the account associated with the Payment Type chosen.
  2. Click the Process button.
  3. When the request process is complete, TaxLedge will change automatically from the Check Run screen to the Check Writer (Payment Printing) screen.  

If you have processed an ACH disbursement, you are done except for posting back the money.  See the Postback section below.

If you are processing a check payment, the requested check will be displayed and the Total Amount should match the Disbursement load total (batch menu nos. 15103 or 15106) and the State Payment Reconciliation report (batch menu no. 15102) when run for those loads.

Check Writer

  1. Review the Print Date, which defaults to the current date. Change it if necessary.
  2. In the New Begin Chk field, type in the first check number that will print if you want it to be something other than the default.   If you wish to limit the TaxLedge users who can use this field, contact ACT to have the GLBEGIN_CHK role set properly.
  3. Wires and ACH payments are automatically assigned a wire/ACH number, which applies to TaxLedge only. There is not association between this number and the bank's EFT number.
  4. The names displayed here are what will be print on the checks or wire/ACH slips.
  5. If you do not want to print all of the available checks, enter the number of checks loaded into the printer in the Requests-On-Hand field. This number defaults to the total number of checks ready to be printed in this run.  For  EFT transactions, you can use this field instead of clicking Update Run to generate the wire numbers. If you change the number of requests to a lower number than the default, the remaining
  6. If you want to keep certain checks from printing, check the Skip checkbox next to those checks.
  7. Click the Update Run button and wait for the checks to be set up within the TaxLedge program. The Check numbers column will now contain the assigned check numbers based on the check number entered.
  8. To cancel the run if the check numbers are incorrect or some last minute change occurs, click Cancel Run.  Canceling the run removes all records from the Check Writer screen. You will need to return to the Check Run screen to reprocess the records before printing checks. If you cancel the run after you click Print Checks (see below), you can recover the checks by voiding them in the Adjustments tab.

CAUTION:  Do not start a new payment run until the current run is completely out of the system.  Please post all permit checks from the current run back to the ACT Tax Collection System before starting another check run.

  1. Click the Print Checks button to begin the printing process.
  2. A message window will appear that states:  “You are about to print checks.  Do you want to continue?”  Click Yes to continue or,to postpone the final check processing, click No. If you select No, the check stock can be reused.


  1. A red Post Back message appears after the checks have printed.  Check the Select box next to the Batch Sequences you want to post back.
  2. Click the Post Checks button to send the data back to the Permits system.  The status in the Permits system will change from IT to PD.