Account Master/Permit Entry
Last Revised: August 13, 2019
The Account Master screen can be used for the following functions:
- To view information about the owner or alternate owner for a particular account, use the This screen displays both the business name and address and the owner's name, and address. It also shows all of the permits associated with the business at that location, along with the permit numbers, permit types and expiration dates. You may need to use the scroll bar to view any permits not visible in the screen.
- To change owner and business information.
- To add owner and business information.
- To add new permits. Permits for new locations are normally entered via a file load from TABC. This file also inserts new permits for existing locations, renewals for liquor permits (which are now eligible to pay county fees) Permit information can also be entered on the Account Master screen.
- To change certain information about existing permits: Issue Date (which automatically adjusts the Expiration Date), Receipt No., and Permit No.
- To add or change a Comment. The Comment button is yellow if there are pre-existing comments for the permit.
- To indicate that the business should be charged city fees.
The Permit Renew/Reissue screen can be used to renew or reissue a permit. For instructions on using the Permit Renew/Reissue screen, see Renew/Reissue Permits.
Security jobs, tasks, and entitlements using this screen are:
Job | Task | Entitlement and Description |
LP_PERMITS_MANAGE | CREATE_A_PERMIT | LP_ADD_PERMIT, add a new permit to a location/owner |
CHANGE_LOCATION | LP_UPDATE_LOCATION_INFO, change existing location information | |
LP_UPDATE_OWNER_INFO, change existing owner information | ||
VIEW_ACCOUNT_MASTER | ACTBLW_05, access to the Account Master screen, can add Comments | |
LP_PERMITS_MANAGE, LP_ACCOUNTING_MANAGER | ACCT_MSTR_CHANGE_PERMIT_NO | LP_ACCTM_CHANGE_PERMIT_NO, change permit numbers on the Account Master screen. Default is N. |
For step-by-step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.
These client preferences must be set:
PERMITS_AUTO_RECEIPT_NOS: Set to Y to use auto-populated receipt numbers assigned by the state. Set to N to use temporary receipt numbers.
CITY_PERMIT_TITLE: Enter the desired heading to appear on receipts for city permit fees.
LIQUOR_RECEIPT_TITLE: Enter the desired heading to appear on receipts for liquor permit fees
To find an owner, location, or account on the Account Master screen:
- Click the Owner/Locationicon (
) on the Main Menu or select Update at the top of the Main Menu, then select Account Master, or select Account Master in the Go To drop-down list. The Account Master (Location/Owner) screen will appear.
If the account has carried over from a previous screen, the screen will fill with data. All of the permits associated with this location are listed at the bottom of the screen.
- If the screen is blank when you come to it, you are in query mode. To enter a new location, owner, or permit, press CTRL+Q to leave query mode. If you want to search for an owner or location, enter the information in the appropriate field, then press F7.
- If you need to look up a different location, owner, or account
- Press F7
- Enter all or part of an account number, trade name, or owner name. If entering a partial name or number, include a % sign before and/or the entry. For ex., to see all locations with the word Galveston in its name, enter '%GALVESTON% in the Trade Name field.
- Press F8 (Execute Query). All of the permits associated with the first location found are listed at the bottom of the screen.
- To see additional
locations or owners (depending on what you searched for),
click the blue arrows at the top of the screen (
) or click the arrow keys on your keyboard.
Note: The Account No. field is used for searching only. It does not populate with the different account numbers associated with a location when you highlight different permit numbers at the bottom of the screen. An account number is not required before entering a new permit, although most locations will already have an account number
A yellow alert window appears if the account has a note with an ALT in the MSG field. Click OK to leave this screen.
To change owner or location information:
- Enter the desired changes.
- The Billing Status field has the following options in a popup list: BA - bad address, CURR - current statement, DELQ - delinquent statement, FINL - final statement, PTAC - pending TABC action.
- To save your data, press F10 or click the Save
icon (
) on the toolbar. If BA status is saved, a note with an ALT message code will be added.
To enter a new owner and/or location ,
- Click the Add Owner/Location button.
- In the Owner Name popup that appears, search for the owner name by clicking anywhere in the popup, then typing in the first letter or two of the owner name (for ex., enter b or 'bo' to find 'bob'). Alternatively, you can enter these letters in the Find field at the top of the popup, then click Find.
- Click OK when you have highlighted the owner. The owner's name and address appears. Skip to step 6.
- If you cannot find the correct owner name, click Cancel on the popup. A blank screen appears.
- (required only if you could not find the owner) On the Owner Address side of the screen, enter the owner's Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, and Phone.
- On the Trade Name and Location side of the screen, enter the company's Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, and Phone. You must have entered an owner name first.
- The Location Active box is checked automatically. Uncheck it if the business becomes inactive.
- If you collect permit fees for the city in which the business is located, click the City Acct. box on the right side of the screen. A popup window listing the cities for which you collect permit fees. Select the correct one, then click OK.
- Do not enter an account number or any permit information.
- Save your changes by pressing F10 or clicking the Save button (
) on the toolbar.
To add a new permit,
- Click in a blank line in the Permits section of the screen. If there are no blank lines, press F6 to insert one.
- Click the gray button (
)to the left of the Permit No. field and select the Permit Type to be added. The Permit Description will be automatically populated and the first two characters of the Permit No. are entered. The Status defaults to Current. Other options and their suggested uses are:
- Applicant - new beer permits that have not been approved by the state
- Canceled - rejected by the state
- Expired - not renewed or reissued or not paid within the 30 day grace period
- Vol. Cancel - canceled by the tax office or business owner
- Vol. Suspense - canceled by the tax office, perhaps due to nonpayment of county fees on liquor permits
- Enter the Permit numbers provided by the state.
- Enter the Primary Permit numbers.
Note: A Secondary Permit is one that requires another permit be held first. The first permit is known as the Primary Permit. For example, if an owner with a permit to sell mixed drinks wants to sell mixed drinks after midnight, the Primary Permit would be the mixed drinks permit and the Secondary Permit would be the late hours permit. When entering the late hours permit information, the permit number from the mixed drinks permit should be entered in the Primary Permit numbers on the screen.
- Enter the Issue Date. For new permits ,this would normally be the current date, but it can be changed if needed.
- Press Tab, the Expiration Date will fill in. Depending on the permit type, this may be one, two, or three years in the future. The day will be one day prior to the issue date (for ex., if the issue date is 9/22/2009, the expiration date might be 9/21/2011.
- Save your changes by pressing
F10 or clicking the Save button (
) on the toolbar. The remainder of the Permit No. is created. The Account No. will be the last six digits of the Permit No. If you did not enter a receipt number, one will be generated.
If the permit number was not entered above, which will be the case for beer permits, and there are no other beer permits for this location or a primary permit number is not given, a temporary permit number will be created by taking the two letters of the permit type plus the digits of the receipt number. The account number will be the same digits if one was not present at the time the permit was saved. If a primary permit number was entered, the new permit number will have the same digits as the other permit numbers, regardless of what receipt number you entered. The same digits should apply to all of the beer permits for a single location after the permanent numbers are provided by the state. This number is printed on receipts.
Technical note: The status of the receipt number in the database is changed to 'Assigned' when an auto-generated permit number is saved. The assign date is always the last date that certain actions were taken on this receipt number, for example, reversals or refunds.
Duplicate permit numbers (those having the same type and numbers and same issue date) are not allowed; a message will appear in these cases telling you to use the Permit Renewal/Reissue screen.
Technical note: The Origin Date in the database is populated with the issue date of each permit
- Copy the digits of the Permit No., as you may need it for searching on other Permit screens.
To change permit information,
- Follow the find an owner, location, or account instructions above to find the correct account, location and permit. This screen cannot be used for renewing or reissuing permits.
- Changes can be made to the Issue Date (which automatically adjusts the Expiration Date), Receipt No., and Permit No. of existing permits.
Note: The receipt number is provided by the state and is used to match the permit to the same number on the state bill The permit number will be changed to the one on the state bill.
- If you want to store the account's corresponding TCS Real Property and/or TCS Personal Property account numbers, enter those numbers in the appropriate fields.
- Save your changes by pressing
F10 or clicking the Save button (
) on the toolbar.
To add or change a comment,
- Click the Comments button.
- Enter or change a comment.
- Click OK
- Press F10 or click the Save button (
) on the toolbar to save your changes.