County Disbursements
Last Revised: September 12, 2018
County fees for permits can be disbursed by using the County Disbursement process on the Permits batch menu, then loading the data into TaxLedge. The 5% county commission on state fees is paid to the county by the state.
Deposits must be closed in order for its funds to be disbursed. A Deposit Status report, batch menu no. 15104, can be run to verify that the correct deposits have been closed.
An Undisbursed County Funds report, batch menu no. 15105, can also be run as a preliminary balancing tool, although this report runs by receipt date range and the disbursements process runs by deposit date.
Security jobs, tasks, and entitlements using this screen are:
Job | Task | Entitlement and Description |
LP_ACCOUNTING, LP_ACCOUNTING_MANAGER | RUN_BATCH_JOBS_AND_REPORTS | LP_BATCH_MENU, access to the batch menu screen and 15102 County Payment Reconciliation Report, 15103 County Disbursement Process |
LP_BATCH_REQUEST, access to the batch request screen to review reports | ||
FILE_UPLOAD, activates the File Upload button on the Batch Menu screen |
For step by step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.
County Disbursement Batch Process
- From the Main Menu, click the Batch Products button or select Products then select Batch Products. The Batch Menu will appear.
- Click on the County Disbursements line, batch menu no. 15103.
- Press Enter. The parameter screen appears.
- Enter your tax office's ACT Client ID, if it is not already populated.
- Enter the Begin Deposit Date and End Deposit Date.
- In the Close Open Deposit field, enter Y to close all open deposits with the date range entered above or N to leave them open.
- Click the Submit button.
- Click OK on the "OK to Submit Job" message.
- To see the resulting log file, see Reviewing/Printing Reports. The log gives the total amount to be disbursed and the request sequence number that will be needed in TaxLedge.
Technical Note: The Status in the distribution table changes to 'IT'.
- To void a load, see these instructions: Void a Disbursement.
County Payment Reconciliation Process
This report can be run as a check to see the permits and amounts that were set up for disbursements.
- Return to the Batch Menu,
- Click on the County Payment Reconciliation Report line, batch menu no. 15102.
- Press Enter. The parameter screen appears.
- Enter the Begin Deposit Date and End Deposit Date. To balance to the disbursement process above, you must use the same deposit date range.
- (optional) If you are disbursing city permit funds,enter the tax unit for the city in the City Tax Unit field. The report will display data only for this city.
- Click the Submit button.
- Click OKon the "OK to Submit Job" message.
- To review and print your report, see Reviewing/Printing Reports. The report is sorted by deposit date and shows, for each permit number in a deposit, the receipt number, amounts paid for county and renewal fees, the total amount due to the county, the load number(s) and the status. If there are two load numbers, this probably means that a load was processed for the state fees
If the status is IT, it has been processed in the Permits system, either by using the Disbursement form and/or batch menu no. 15103, but not posted back in TaxLedge. PD indicates that it has been processed through TaxLedge and posted back to the Permits system. Only IT payments and refunds can be disbursed in TaxLedge. An RF status indicates a refund, which is shown as a negative amount.
- You are now ready to disburse these funds in TaxLedge. See Disburse through TaxLedge for further instructions. If you have already processed this load through TaxLedge, the check number will appear on this report.