Assigning Office Locations
Last Revised: October 6, 2010
If a tax office maintains more than one location where its employees work, users can enter those locations and assign users to them. This information can then be used when payment deposits are created, as deposits can be linked to operators and one of their assigned locations. Users can be assigned to more than one location at a time.
Users cannot be changed or deleted after information about them has been saved in this screen.
A client preference, DEPOSIT_LOC_ACTIVE, controls whether users can select locations when they open a deposit. Enter Y to allow an office location to be selected on the Deposit Control screen. Enter N to show the location, but not allow changes to it.
The following user entitlement must be set for each user who needs access to the Global Codes screens. It is part of the Manage System Configuration task.
Only users having the Client Admin job can view or make changes on this screen. See Tasks, Entitlements, and Jobs for more information.
ACTCODES - See the System Configuration screens.
- From the Main Menu, select Administration, then System Configuration. The Global Codes screen will appear.
- Click the Office Locations tab; the Office Locations screen will appear.
- The screen opens in 'insert' mode. To enter a new location, begin entering information in the Locations area at the top of the screen. When finished, press F10 (Save) to save the changes.
Note: If you have
data on the screen and want to enter a new location, press F6
The screen will clear and be ready for entering information.
To search for an existing location, press F7 (Enter Query, click the star button to the right of the Location field, select the desired location, then click OK. Finally press F8 (Execute Query). The users associated with this location will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
- To assign users to a location, click in a blank line at the bottom.
- If necessary, enter the location code.
- Enter the Operator ID of the user, or click the star button to the right of the User Name field, select a user, then click OK. Users can be created for V1 security users in the User Administration screen or, for V2 security users, in the Security Administration screen in the Tax Collection System.
- Repeat steps 4-6 as needed.
- Press F10 (Save) to save the changes.