TABC Permit Status Expiration

Last Revised: November 19, 2019

The process described below can be used to change the status of permits to Expired if their expiration dates are no later than the date given in the parameter screen.

  1. From  the Main Menu, click the Batch Products button or select Products then select Batch Products. The Batch Menu will appear.
  2. Click on the TABC Permit Status Expiration line, batch menu no. 15019.
  3. Press Enter. The parameter screen appears.
  4. Enter your tax office's Client ID if it is not already there.
  5. Enter a Maximum Expiration Date to be used in finding permits that need to be expired.
  6. In the Process Option field, enter E for edit or U for update (to change the data).
  7. Click the Submit button.
  8. Click OK on the "OK to Submit Job" message.
  9. To review and print your log, see Reviewing/Printing Reports. For each permit to be expired, the issue date, current expiration date, and current status are listed.