Reverse a Payment

Last Revised: March 21, 2017

If you have entered a payment in error or if a check is being returned for insufficient funds (a hot check), then you can reverse the payment by opening a Reversal deposit, searching for the payment on the Reversal screen, then processing the reversal.

If a payment was used for more than one permit, you must reverse the entire payment (all permits), not just one of the accounts.

You cannot reverse the same payment more than once.  You should 'reverse the reversal' instead; that is, reverse the negative transaction that represents the reversal, not the positive transaction that represents the original payment

Security jobs, tasks, and entitlements using this screen are:

Job Task Entitlement and Description
LP_HEAD_CASHIER USE_ACCOUNT_SEARCH ACTBLW_07, use the Account Search screen
USE_ACCOUNT_STATUS ACTBLW_03, View permit status and payment information on the Account Status screen
ADD_PERMIT_FEES_BUTTON, see the Add Fees button
USE_ACCOUNT_MASTER ACTBLW_05, View location/owner information and add  comments (account notes) on the Account Master screen
TAKE_A_PAYMENT_AND_REVERSALS ACTBLW_01, access to the Deposit Control screen
LP_SHOW_DEPCTL_TOTALS, displays the counts and amounts for the deposit on the Deposit Control screen
LP_PERMIT_DEPOSIT, needed to open a Permit deposit for taking payments
LP_CHANGE_DEPDATE, ability to change the date of a deposit on the Deposit Control screen
LP_CHANGE_PAIDDATE, ability to change the receipt date of a deposit on the Deposit Control screen
LP_CHANGE_PMT_PAIDDATE, ability to change the receipt date of a payment on the Remittance screen
LP_REVERSAL_DEPOSIT, needed to open a Reversal deposit for reversing payments
LP_CLOSE_OWN_DEPOSIT, allows the user to close only the deposit they have opened
LP_CLOSE_DEPOSITS, allows the user to close any open deposit [this entitlement is not granted by default when the task is assigned]
LP_REOPEN_DEPOSIT_ANY_DAY, allows the user to re-open any deposit, regardless of when it was opened or by user [This entitlement is not granted by default]

For step-by-step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.

  1. In the Deposit Control screen, open or re-open a Reversal deposit
  2. Click Payment Transaction; the Reversal screen appears.
  3. You will first need to locate the payment that you want to reverse. You can search for a payment by one or more of the following fields.  The account number is filled in automatically, but you can blank the number out if needed.

Note: You can combine searches; for example, you can search by both date range and amount.

Deposit Date Range Enter the beginning and ending Deposit Dates of the original payment.
Amount Enter the Amount to search. If you are searching for a payment that has already been reversed, enter a negative amount (e.g., -100)
Check No. Enter a Check numbers to search.
Account No. Enter an account number in the Account No. box.
Permit No. Enter the Permit numbers in this field.
Validation No. Enter the validation number for the transaction to reverse.
  1. Press F8 (Execute Query).  For the selected accounts, the following information appears:
  • Deposit- the deposit number for the original payment
  • Deposit Date - the deposit date for the original payment
  • Receipt Date - the receipt date given when the payment was originally made. Although you may enter a different date than this, the reversal process will assign a receipt date that is the same as on the payment being reversed.
  • Remit Seq. - a unique number assigned to each payment by the ACT system. This same remit sequence number is used each time that payment amount is moved or adjusted, for example, by reversal or transfer.
  • Permit No - the permit number that was paid
  • Check No. -  the check number of the original payment
  • Remittance Amount - the total payment amount, which for multi-account payments is not the actual amount applied to an individual account.
  • Permit Amount - The payment amount applied to the permit.
  1. Click the Reverse account box(es) for the payments you want to reverse. To reverse all of the payments on the screen, click the Check/Uncheck All button. This will put a checkmark next to all of the payments.
  2. If you want to apply any Returned Item Fee(s), click the Add NSF box(es) to the left of the payment to which you want to apply that fee. You must assign this fee to only one permit per reversal, not to all permits in a multi-permit payment.
  3. Click Process Reverse; a Process Completed Successfully message will appear.

Note: If you receive a message saying 'Cannot reverse the partial remittance. You must select all the accounts in the remittance sequence no. xxx', click OK and place a check mark next to all of the payments made for a particular remit seq. no. You may need to search by remit seq. no. to see these payments.

Technical note: The status in the database is changed to 'Void' when a reversal or refund is completed and the assign date is changed to the current date.