Permits Types

Last Revised: October 4, 2021

The following table shows the permits and codes from TABC that are used in the Permits system. References to the TABC code section that covers the specific permit or license are taken from the TABC web site. The table also shows the permit types for which county fees are collected.

Permit Code Permit Name Collects County Fees? (Y/N) Description
A Agents Permit N TABC section 35.01.
AB Airline Beverage Permit N TABC section 34.01
AW Agents Manufacturing Warehousing Permit Y unknown
B Brewer's Permit Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC section 12.01
BA Manufacturer's License Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC section 62.01.
BB General Distributor's License Y TABC section 64.01
BC Branch Distributor's License Y TABC section 66.01.
BD Local Distriburor's License Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC section 65.01
BE Beer Retailer's On Premise License Y TABC section 69.01.
BF Beer Retailer's Off Premise License Y TABC section 71.01.
BG Wine and Malt Beverage Retailer's Permit Y TABC section 25.01.
BH Temporary License Y TABC sections 27.01 and 27.03 (b) and 72.01.
BI Importer's License Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC section 67.01.
BJ Importer's Carrier's License Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC section 68.01.
BK Agent's Beer License Y TABC section 73.01.
BL Retail Dealer's On Premise Late Hours License Y (expires 8/31/2021)  TABC section 70.01.
BP Brewpub License Y  TABC section 74.01.
BQ Wine and Malt Beverage Retailer's Off Premise Permit Y  TABC section 26.01.
BS Nonresident Manufacturer's License Y  TABC section 63.01.
BW Brewer's License Y (if issue date is 9/1/2021 or later) unknown
C Carrier's Permit N  TABC section 41.01
CA Temporary Charitable Auction Permit Y TABC sections 53.001 and 53.003.
CB Caterer's Permit Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC section 31.01.
D Distillers and Rectifiers Permit Y TABC section 14.01.
DA   Y (expires 8/31/2021) unknown
DB   Y (expires 8/31/2021) unknown
DS Direct Shipper's Permit Y TABC section 54.01.
E Local Cartage Permit N TABC section 43.01
FB Food and Beverage Certificate N A Food and Beverage Certificate may be issued to the holder of a Beer Retailer's On-Premise Permit or Wine and Beer Retailer's Permit if food service is the primary business being operated on the licensed premise or to the holder of a Mixed Beverage Permit or Private Club Permit if food service is available on the premises and the gross receipts of alcoholic beverages do not exceed 50% of total gross receipts.The holder must meet requirements of the Code and Rule 33.5 concerning minimum number of entrees served, hours of service, etc.Certificate allows holder to be exempt from posting a conduct surety bond. TABC Licensing and Permit Descriptions (web site).
FC Forwarding Center Authority Y This allows the member of the manufacturing tier who is transporting alcoholic beverages into the state or from point to point within the state to temporarily hold the beverages in a regional forwarding center. The center must be located in a “wet” area for the type of alcoholic beverages held. City and county certifications are required for this authority. TABC Licensing and Permit Descriptions (web site).
G Winery Permit Y TABC section 16.01
GF Winery Festival Permit Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC chapter 17. It is secondary to the G permit.
GS Winery Storage Permit Y Authorizes holder of a winery permit whose winery is located in a county (all or part dry) to store the winery's product in a dry area of that county. TABC Licensing and Permit Descriptions (website).
I Industrial Permit I TABC section 38.01.
J Bonded Warehouse Permit Y Authorizes holder to store liquor for any permittee who holds a Public Storage Permit. TABC Licensing and Permit Descriptions (web site).
JD Bonded Warehouse Permit (Dry Area) Y Authorizes holder to store wine in a dry area for a winery permittee who holds a Public Storage Permit. TABC Licensing and Permit Descriptions (web site).
K Public Storage Permit N Authorizes holder to store alcoholic beverages in a public storage warehouse that holds a Bonded Warehouse Permit. TABC Licensing and Permit Descriptions (web site).
L Private Storage Permit Y Authorizes holder to store alcoholic beverages in private warehouse owned and/or operated by permittee. TABC Licensing and Permit Descriptions (web site).
LB Mixed Beverage Late Hours Permit Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC section 29.01.
LI Local Industrial Alcohol Manufacturer's Permit Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC section 47.01.
LP Local Distributor's Permit Y TABC section 23.01.
LX Local Class B Wholesaler's Permit N TABC section 21.01.
MB Mixed Beverage Permit Y TABC section 28.01.
MI Minibar Permit Y  TABC section 51.01 and 51.02.
MR Market Research Packager's Permit Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC section 49.01
MW Manufacturer's Warehouse License Y Authorizes holder to store malt beverages that are not labeled and approved for sale in this state and ship them to qualified persons in other states or jurisdiction where its sale is legal. TABC Licensing and Permit Descriptions (web site).
MY Manufacturer's Warehouse License Y TABC section 55.01.
N Private Club Registration Permit N TABC section 32.01.
NB Private Club Beer and Wine Permit Y TABC Licensing and Permit Descriptions (web site).
NE Private Club Exemption Certificate Permit N TABC Licensing and Permit Descriptions (web site).
NL Private Club Late Hours Permit Y TABC section 33.01.
O Private Carrier's Permit N TABC section 42.01.
P Package Store Permit Y TABC section 22.01.
PE Bonded Warehouse Permit, Beverage Cartage Permit Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC section 46.01, TABC 44.01
PR Promotional Permit Y TABC section 50.001.
PS Package Store Tasting Permit Y (expires 8/31/2021) TABC section 52.01.
PT Passenger Train Beverage Permit N TABC section 48.01
Q Wine Only Package Store Permit Y TABC section 24.01.
RM Mixed Beverage Permit with FB (Food and Beverage) Y TABC section 28.18.
S Nonresident Seller's Permit Y TABC section 37.01.
SD Brewer's Self-Distribution License Y unknown
SL Storage License N TABC section 45.01 and 75.01.
T Manufacturer's Agent's Permit Y TABC section 36.01.
TB Daily Temporary Mixed Beverage Permit (Per Day) Y TABC section 30.01.
TN Daily Temporary Private Club Registration Permit Y TABC section 33.21.
U Nonresident Brewer's Permit Y TABC section 13.01.
V Wine and Beer Retailer's Permit Excursion Boat M TABC section 25.03 (b) and (d).
W Wholesaler's Permit Y TABC section 19.01.
WP Water Park Permit Y unknown
X General Class B Wholesaler's Permit Y TABC section 20.01
Y Wine and Beer Retailer's Permit Railway Car (Fee per Car) Y TABC section 25.03 and (d).
Z Wine Bottler's Permit N TABC section 18.01.