User Security Jobs, Tasks and Entitlements

Last Revised:  March 27, 2018

The following tables show the ACT jobs, tasks, and entitlements that are the default settings for user security in the Permits system. Any entitlement that is highlighted is not granted by default. All other entitlements are granted when the task is assigned. For step-by-step instructions on using this feature, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.

Task Entitlement Description Job
USE_ACCOUNT_SEARCH ACTBLW_07 Look up permits on the Account Search screen. LP_CASHIER
VIEW_ACCOUNT_STATUS ACTBLW_03 View permit status and payment information on the Account Status screen.  
MANAGE_NOTES LP_NOTES_QUERY Query the Notes window.  
  LP_NOTES_INSERT Insert notes.  
  LP_NOTES_UPDATE Change notes.  
  LP_NOTES_DELETE Delete notes  
  LP_DELETE_ONLY_OWN_NOTES Delete only notes you created if LP_NOTES_DELETE is not granted  
  LP_UPDATE_ONLY_OWN_NOTE Change only notes you created if LP_NOTES_UPDATE is not granted  
  LP_ACCOUNT_STATUS_CHANGE_FEES Change late, renewal, or city fees  
VIEW_ACCOUNT_MASTER ACTBLW_05 View location/owner information and add  comments (account notes) on the Account Master screen.  
VIEW_FEE_MAINTENANCE_SCREEN ACTBLW_08 Look up fee amounts on the Fee Maintenance screen.  
TAKE_A_PAYMENT ACTBLW_01 Access the Deposit Control screen.  
  LP_SHOW_DEPCTL_TOTALS Show the deposit counts and amounts on the Deposit Control screen.  
  LP_PERMIT_DEPOSIT Open a deposit for paying permit fees.  
  LP_CHANGE_DEPDATE Change the deposit date on the Deposit Control screen when opening a deposit.  
  LP_CHANGE_PAIDDATE Change the receipt date on the Deposit Control screen when opening a deposit.  
  LP_CHANGE_PMT_PAIDDATE Change the receipt date on the Remittance screen when taking a payment.  
  LP_CLOSE_OWN_DEPOSIT Allows the user to only close the deposits they opened.  
  LP_REOPEN_DEPOSIT_ANY_DAY Allows the user to reopen any deposit on any day (including those opened by other users)  
  LP_REOPEN_DEPOSIT_SAME_DAY Allows the user to reopen a closed deposit on the same day it was closed.  
REPRINT_A_RECEIPT BATCH_MENU Grants access to the Batch Menu screen.  
  BATCH_REQUEST Grants access to the Batch Request screen.  
Task Entitlement Description Job
USE_ACCOUNT_SEARCH ACTBLW_07 Look up permits on the Account Search screen. LP_HEAD_CASHIER
MANAGE_NOTES LP_NOTES_QUERY Query the Notes window.  
  LP_NOTES_INSERT Insert notes.  
  LP_NOTES_UPDATE Change notes.  
  LP_NOTES_DELETE Delete notes  
  LP_DELETE_ONLY_OWN_NOTES Delete only notes you created if LP_NOTES_DELETE is not granted  
  LP_UPDATE_ONLY_OWN_NOTE Change only notes you created if LP_NOTES_UPDATE is not granted  
VIEW_ACCOUNT_STATUS ACTBLW_03 View permit status and payment information on the Account Status screen.  
  ADD_PERMIT_FEES_BUTTON See the Add Fees button.  
VIEW_ACCOUNT_MASTER ACTBLW_05 View location/owner information and add comments (account notes) on the Account Master screen.  
VIEW_FEE_MAINTENANCE_SCREEN ACTBLW_08 Look up fee amounts on the Fee Maintenance screen.  
CHANGE_FEES_ON_RENEW_REISSUE ACTBLW_02 Access to the Permits Renew/Reissue screen.  
  LP_RENEW_REISSUE_CHNG_FEES Ability to change the fees on the Permits Renew/Reissue screen.  
TAKE_A_PAYMENT_AND_REVERSALS ACTBLW_01 Access the Deposit Control screen.  
  LP_SHOW_DEPCTL_TOTALS   Show the deposit counts and amounts on the Deposit Control screen.  
  LP_PERMIT_DEPOSIT   Open a deposit for paying permit fees.  
  LP_CHANGE_DEPDATE   Change the deposit date on the Deposit Control screen when opening a deposit.  
  LP_CHANGE_PAIDDATE   Change the receipt date on the Deposit Control screen when opening a deposit.  
  LP_CHANGE_PMT_PAIDDATE Change the receipt date on the Remittance screen when taking a payment.  
  LP_CLOSE_OWN_DEPOSIT Allows the user to only close the deposits they opened. [Not granted by default].  
  LP_CLOSE_DEPOSITS Allows the user to close any deposit on any date.  
  LP_REOPEN_DEPOSIT_ANY_DAY Allows the user to open any deposit on any date.  
  LP_REOPEN_ANY_DEPOSIT_SAME_DAY Allows the user to reopen any closed deposit (including those opened by other users) on the same day it was closed. (Not granted by default)  
  LP_REVERSAL_DEPOSIT Grants user the ability to open and use a reversal deposit. Used to reverse payments.  
AUTHORIZE_VOID_OF_PAYMENT   LP_VOID_PAYMENT Ability to void a payment. [Not granted by default].  
  LP_AUTHORIZE_VOID Grant approval to void a transaction  
  LP_AUTH_VOIDS_SAME_USER Grant approval to void your own transaction  
REPRINT_A_RECEIPT BATCHMENU Grants access to the Batch Menu screen.  
  BATCHREQUEST Grants access to the Batch Request screen.  
Task Entitlement Description Job
USE_ACCOUNT_SEARCH ACTBLW_07 Look up permits on the Account Search screen. LP_PERMITS_MANAGE
MANAGE_NOTES LP_NOTES_QUERY Query the Notes window.  
  LP_NOTES_INSERT Insert notes.  
  LP_NOTES_UPDATE Change notes.  
  LP_NOTES_DELETE Delete notes  
  LP_DELETE_ONLY_OWN_NOTES Delete only notes you created if LP_NOTES_DELETE is not granted  
  LP_UPDATE_ONLY_OWN_NOTE Change only notes you created if LP_NOTES_UPDATE is not granted  
VIEW_ACCOUNT_STATUS ACTBLW_03 View permit status and payment information on the Account Status screen.  
  ADD_PERMIT_FEES_BUTTON ee the Add Fees button.  
VIEW_ACCOUNT_MASTER ACTBLW_05 View location/owner information and add  comments (account notes) on the Account Master screen.  
CREATE_A_PERMIT LP_ADD_PERMIT Allows a user to add a permit on the Account Master screen.  
CHANGE_LOCATION LP_UPDATE_LOCATION_INFO Allows user to change location information on the Account Master screen.  
  LP_UPDATE_OWNER_INFO Allows user to change owner information on the Account Master screen  
VIEW_FEE_MAINTENANCE_SCREEN ACTBLW_08 Look up fee amounts on the Fee Maintenance screen.  
RENEW_OR_REISSUE_A_PERMIT ACTBLW_02 Grants access to the Renew/Reissue screen.  
ACCT_MSTR_CHANGE_PERMIT_NO LP_ACCTM_CHANGE_PERMIT_NO Change permit numbers on the Account Master screen. Default is N.  
Task Entitlement Description JOB
USE_ACCOUNT_SEARCH ACTBLW_07 Look up permits on the Account Search screen. LP_ACCOUNTING
MANAGE_NOTES LP_NOTES_QUERY Query the Notes window.  
  LP_NOTES_INSERT Insert notes.  
  LP_NOTES_UPDATE Change notes.  
  LP_NOTES_DELETE Delete notes  
  LP_DELETE_ONLY_OWN_NOTES Delete only notes you created if LP_NOTES_DELETE is not granted  
  LP_UPDATE_ONLY_OWN_NOTE Change only notes you created if LP_NOTES_UPDATE is not granted  
VIEW_ACCOUNT_STATUS ACTBLW_03 View permit status and payment information on the Account Status screen.  
  ADD_PERMIT_FEES_BUTTON See the Add Fees button.  
VIEW_ACCOUNT_MASTER ACTBLW_05 View location/owner information and add comments (account notes) on the Account Master screen.  
QUERY_DEPOSIT_CONTROL ACTBLW_01 Access the Deposit Control screen.  
  LP_SHOW_DEPCTL_TOTALS Show the deposit counts and amounts on the Deposit Control screen.  
  LP_CLOSE_DEPOSITS Allows the user to close any deposit on any date.  
PROCESS_DISBURSEMENTS ACTBLW_04 Allows access to the Disbursement screen.  
  LP_PROCESS_STATE_DISBURSE Allows users to process state disbursements on the Disbursement screen.  
RUN_BATCH_JOBS_AND_REPORTS BATCHMENU Grants access to the Batch Menu screen.  
  BATCHREQUEST Grants access to the Batch Request screen.  
Task Entitlement Description Job
USE_ACCOUNT_SEARCH ACTBLW_07 Look up permits on the Account Search screen. LP_ACCOUNTING_MANAGER
MANAGE_NOTES LP_NOTES_QUERY Query the Notes window.  
  LP_NOTES_INSERT Insert notes.  
  LP_NOTES_UPDATE Change notes.  
  LP_NOTES_DELETE Delete notes  
  LP_DELETE_ONLY_OWN_NOTES Delete only notes you created if LP_NOTES_DELETE is not granted  
  LP_UPDATE_ONLY_OWN_NOTE Change only notes you created if LP_NOTES_UPDATE is not granted  
VIEW_ACCOUNT_STATUS ACTBLW_03 View permit status and payment information on the Account Status screen.  
  ADD_PERMIT_FEES_BUTTON See the Add Fees button.  
VIEW_ACCOUNT_MASTER ACTBLW_05 View location/owner information and add comments (account notes) on the Account Master screen.  
QUERY_DEPOSIT_CONTROL ACTBLW_01 Access the Deposit Control screen.  
  LP_SHOW_DEPCTL_TOTALS Show the deposit counts and amounts on the Deposit Control screen.  
  P_CLOSE_DEPOSITS Allows the user to close any deposit on any date  
VIEW_FEE_MAINTENANCE_SCREEN ACTBLW_08 Look up fee amounts on the Fee Maintenance screen.  
PROCESS_DISBURSEMENTS ACTBLW_04 Allows access to the Disbursement screen.  
  LP_PROCESS_STATE_DISBURSE Allows users to process state disbursements on the Disbursement screen.  
VOID_DISBURSEMENTS LP_DISBURSEMENT_VOID Allows user to void a disbursement load from the Disbursement screen.  
RUN_BATCH_JOBS_AND_REPORTS BATCHMENU Grants access to the Batch Menu screen.  
  BATCHREQUEST Grants access to the Batch Request screen.  
  FILE_UPLOAD Activates the File Upload button on the Batch Menu screen    
ACCT_MSTR_CHANGE_PERMIT_NO LP_ACCTM_CHANGE_PERMIT_NO Change permit numbers on the Account Master screen. Default is N.  
  LP_REFUND_DEPOSIT Grants user the ability to open and use a refund deposit. ADMINISTER_REFUNDS
Task Entitlement Description Job
Can do any task in the system Has all entitlements Can do anything in the system. Normally assigned to select ACT personnel assisting the client users. LP_SUPER_USER
Manage Permits Documents BLW_DOCUMENTS Allows users to access the Documents screen  
  LP_DOCUMENT_ADD Allows users to add a document.  
  LP_DOCUMENT_COMMENTS_UPDATE Allows users to change the comments and descriptions attached to a document.  
  LP_DOCUMENT_DELETE Allows users to delete a document from the system once it has been added.  
  LP_DOCUMENT_VIEW_ALL Allows users to view restricted documents.  
VIEW_CHNGCTL_HISTORY BLW_CHNGCTL_HISTORY Allows users to view and use the Change Control History screen  
Change_Client_Prefs LP_ACT_CODES Allows changes to be made to the client preferences. LP_CPC_ADMIN
View_Fee_Maintenance_Screen BLW_08 Look up fee amounts on the Fee Maintenance screen.  
Maintain Fees LP_FEE_MAINTENANCE_UPDATE Ability to update fee amounts as they change either from the county or TABC.  
Task Entitlement Description Job
COPY TEST ACCOUNTS LOAD_PERMIT_DATA Can copy accounts from production to ACT's development, test, and evaluation environments. LP_ACT_INTERNAL