Fee Maintenance

Last Revised: March 24, 2016

If you need to change the deposit date on a deposit, you can do this by running the process below.

  1. From the Main Menu, click on Products, then Batch Products.  The ACT Batch Menu will appear.  
  2. Click on the Change Deposit Dateline, batch menu no. 15109.
  3. Press Enter.  The parameter screen for this report will appear.
  4. Enter your tax office's Client ID.
  5. Enter the Deposit No. for which to change the deposit date.
  6. In the Original Deposit Date. field, either the deposit number that needs to be corrected.
  7. In the New Deposit Date field, enter the correct deposit number.
  8. Click Submit Job to start the report process.  
  9. Click OK on the "OK to Submit Job" pop-up screen.  
  10. To see when the process has finished, see Previewing and Printing Reports. A log file is created that shows what was changed.