Client Preferences

Last Revised: December 12, 2023

If a new client preference has been added to the Permits system, employees of either tax offices or ACT this preference can be seen in the Client Codes area of ACT 7. Preferences can only be changed by users with the correct security settings.  In order to do this, you must know the Code, Description, and Preference values assigned by ACT. New client preferences must be added in the Tax Collection System, not the Permits application.

Security jobs, tasks, and entitlements needed to change existing preferences are:

Job Task Entitlement and Description
LP_CPC_ADMIN CHANGE_CLIENT_PREFS LP_ACT_CODES, allows access to the client preference screens to make changes to existing preferences.

For step-by-step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.

(v1 security only) To change existing ones, users must have the CPC_ADMIN role. To search for and/or change an existing client preference, follow these instructions:

  1. From the Main Menu, click Administration, then System Configuration. The Global Codes screen will appear.
  2. Click the Client Codes tab; the Client Codes screen will appear.
  3. Press F7 to search for a preference.
  4. Enter part or all of the preference name. If entering only part of a name, surround the text with % signs (for ex., %REMIT%)
  5. Press F8 (Execute Query) .
  6. The following information is shown. You may change the Other , Client Preferences, and Expire Date fields.
  • Type Code - Defaults to Client
  • Code - The name of the code
  • Other - A description of the code (if the client preference ALLOW_LOWER_CASE_CLIENT_PREF is set to Y, you may enter the description in lower case; if this is set to N, everything is put as capital letters)
  • Client Preferences - The preference set by the client for this code (Y means Yes, N means No)
  • Expire Date - Date (if any) that this preference will stop being used by the ACT system

Note:  To set a client preference so it does not take effect, set the Expire Date to a prior date.  This is the same as making the preference blank, but leaving it blank is not allowed in ACT 7.

  • Operator Code - Operator ID for the person who entered this client code
  • Change Date - Date that this client code was entered into the ACT system
  1. PressF10 (Save) to save your changes.
Preference Used By Description
PERMITS_AUTO_RECEIPT_NOS Account Master/ Permit Entry, Renew/Reissue, Payments, Monthly File Load Process   OBSOLETE. Set toY to use auto-populated receipt numbers assigned by the state. Set to N to use temporary receipt numbers. If set to Y. the status of the receipt number in the database is changed to 'Assigned' when a permit is renewed or reissued. The assign date is always the last date that certain actions were taken on this receipt number, for example, reversals or refunds.
LB_COUNTY_FEE Monthly File Load Process OBSOLETE. Set to N to prevent new or reissued LB permits from accruing county fees. Set to Y to allow these fees to be assessed. The default is Y.
LP_BEER_RENEWAL_PRICING Monthly File Load Process Set to Y only for Bexar, Dallas, and Harris Counties, to allow for different renewal prices for BE and BG type permits. All other permits users should have this set to N (the default).
LP_RECEIPT_OBJECT Receipts Enter the name of the receipt object (format) to use. The default is BLW_RECEIPT, which can be used for separate beer and liquor receipts. To combine these all on one receipt, enter BLW_ALCOHOL_RECEIPT
BEER_RECEIPT_WATERMARK_IMAGE Receipts Enter Y to print the watermark image on beer receipts; enter N to omit it. The image is usually a county seal  If this preference is expired or blank, no watermark will be put on the receipts. The default is N.
LIQUOR_RECEIPT_COPIES Receipts Enter the number of copies to print for each liquor receipt. The default is 2.
PERMITS_COUNTY_NAME Receipts Enter the county name to use for beer receipts. Do not include the word 'County'.
PERMITS_RECEIPT_TITLE Receipts Enter the title for the receipt that you want to us.
PRINT_OPERCODE_ON_RECEIPT Receipts Set to Y to print the user name from time of payment on receipts, Set to N (the default) to omit this.
CITY_RECEIPT_TITLE Statements and Receipts Enter the desired heading to appear on receipts for city permit fees
CPA Statements and Receipts Enter the name of the person whose name you want to appear at the top of the receipts and statements. Note: This is set in the Tax Collection System.
PERMITS_CPA_TITLE Statements and Receipts Enter the job title of the CPA whose name you entered in the CPA preference.
JUR_ADDRESS1 Statements and Receipts Enter the first address line for the tax office.
JUR_PHONE Statements and Receipts Enter the main phone number for the tax office.
LIQUOR_RECEIPT_TITLE Statements and Receipts Expire this preference to avoid having a title printed on liquor receipts, or enter the text to put as the title.
PERMITS_ADDRESS Statements and Receipts Enter the street address, city, state and zip code to use at the top of statements and receipts
PERMITS_COUPON_PAYABLE Statements Enter the tax office name or person's name for coupon. Expire if 'mail to' address should not be on the coupon.
PERMITS_COUPON_ADDRESS Statements Enter the street or P. O. Box address for coupon. Expire if 'mail to' address should not be on the coupon.
PERMITS_COUPON_CITY_STATE_ZIP Statements Enter the city, state and zip for coupon; include commas where desired. Expire if 'mail to' address should not be on the coupon.
PERMITS_PHONE1 Statements Enter the phone number to use as the first number listed at the top of statements.
PERMITS_PHONE2 Statements Enter the phone number to use as the second number listed at the top of statements.
PERMITS_PHONE3 Statements Enter the phone number to use in the text of the statement.
PERMITS_SB577_INFO Statements Enter the text to be put on statements regarding the elimination of alcohol permits for some businesses. If the desired text is more than can be entered in the Client Preference column, continue the text in the Description column.This preference is expired by default.
PERMITS_STMT_DELQ_VERBIAGE Statements Enter the text to insert regarding delinquent balances if a delinquent statement is printed.
PERMITS_STMT_TYPE_LABEL Statements (optional) Enter a phrase to use as a subheading on delinquent statements PERMITS_STMT_DELQ_VERBIAGE is not expired. If PERMITS_STMT_TYPE_LABEL is expired, no label will print.