Reprint Alcohol Receipts

Last Revised: December 10, 2019

To reprint individual receipts by permit number or validation number, use the process below. These receipts include payments for both liquor and beer permits. Every current permit attached to a specified permit or validation number is included. Receipts for multiple permits list permits in descending order by expiration date.

The following client preferences should be considered before printing:

CPA:  (TCS) Enter the name of the person whose name you want to appear at the top of the receipts.

PERMITS CPA _TITLE: Enter the job title of the CPA whose name you entered in the CPA preference.

PERMITS_ADDRESS: Enter the street address, city, state and zip code to use at the top of statements and liquor receipts

PERMITS_COUNTY_NAME:  Enter the name of the county.

PRINT_OPERCODE_ON_RECEIPT: Set to Y to print the user name from time of payment on receipts, Set to N (the default) to omit this.

LIQUOR_RECEIPT_COPIES: Enter the number of copies to print for each receipt. The default is 2.

PERMITS_PHONE3: Enter the phone number to use at the bottom of the BLW_ALCOHOL_RECEIPT.


Security jobs, tasks, and entitlements using this screen are:

Job Task Entitlement and Description
LP_CASHIER, LP_HEAD_CASHIER REPRINT_A_RECEIPT BATCHMENU, access to the batch menu screen and 15012 Reprint Alcohol Receipt
BATCHREQUEST, access to the batch request screen to review reports
FILE_UPLOAD, activates the File Upload button on the Batch Menu screen

For step-by-step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.

  1. From  the Main Menu, click the Batch Products button or select Products then select Batch Products.TheBatch Menu will appear.
  2. Click on the Reprint Combined Receipts line, batch menu no. 15012.
  3. Press Enter. The parameter screen appears.
  4. (optional) Leave the Payment Validation No. field blank or enter a specific one. If liquor and beer permits were paid in the same transaction, all of them will be reprinted here. For liquor receipts, the validation number may be the same as the receipt number if the permit is paid the same day it was issued.
  5. (optional) Enter a Payment Validation No. Use this if you want to include both beer and liquor permit payments.
  6. (optional) Enter a Permit No. for the receipt to be reprinted. Either the validation number or permit number must be entered.
  7. Click the Submit button.
  8. Click OK on the "OK to Submit Job" message.
  9. To review and print the receipt, see Reviewing/Printing Reports