State Disbursements
Last Revised: March 28, 2014
[OBSOLETE AS OF FEBRUARY 2014] The Disbursement screen in the Permits system allows users to select the beer permits that have been approved by the state and make them available to load into TaxLedge . The state fees for these permits are now ready to disburse to the state (which receives 95% of the fee) and the county (which receives 5%). Surcharges and late fees are also sent to the state.
Once the permit payments have been processed in the Disbursement screen, the funds can be disbursed in TaxLedge using two separate loads, one for the state and one for the county. Both loads must be processed through TaxLedge before data can be posted back to the Tax Collection System to indicate that the money has been sent.
See Disbursement Overview and Disburse through TaxLedge for more information about how permit money is distributed to the state and county.
Security jobs, tasks, and entitlements using this screen are:
Job | Task | Entitlement and Description |
LP_ACCOUNTING, LP_ACCOUNTING_MANAGER | RUN_BATCH_JOBS_AND_REPORTS | LP_BATCH_MENU, access to the batch menu screen and 15101 State Payment Reconciliation Report |
LP_BATCH_REQUEST, access to the batch request screen to review reports | ||
PROCESS_DISBURSEMENTS | ACTBLW_04, Allows access to the Disbursement screen | |
LP_PROCESS_STATE_DISBURSE, allows users to process state disbursements |
For step-by-step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.
To select the permits to process, follow the instructions below:
- From the Main Menu, click Update, then Disbursements >(or if you are in TaxLedge, select Disbursements, then Permits). The Disbursements screen will appear, filled with permits that have been paid but not previously selected for disbursement and are in closed deposits. The Void Disbursement button is grayed out if you do not have the LP_DISBURSEMENT_VOID entitlement.
Permits displaying negative amounts due are those that have been reversed. This screen displays the last transaction that was made on each permit.
Accounts for which state fees have already been disbursed, but county fees are not yet disbursed should not appear on the State Disbursement screen when showing undisbursed amounts
- (optional) To view permits that have already been disbursed, click the Show Disbursed check box. The Load numbers and, if the load has been posted back from TaxLedge, the Check numbers will be filled in for these permits.
- The Order by option is automatically set to Receipt No. If you want to sort the permits by permit number, click the Permit No. radio button.
- To search for specific permits, make sure that the Show Disbursed box is un-checked.
- Press F7
- Enter data into any of the fields in the middle of the screen that are to the left of the Amount Due State check boxes (for ex, Permit No., Receipt No.) or in the Deposit Date or Receipt No. fields at the top of the screen
- Press F8.
- If you need to change the permit number on beer permits to match the number provided by the state, you can do so on this screen. To save your changes if you are in the Permits system, click F10 (Save) on the toolbar. If you are in the TaxLedge system, click the Save Permit No. Changes button.
Note: Wen a secondary permit number is changed, the primary number also changes
- The Pay to State box is automatically checked for all payments, meaning that all payments have been selected to be disbursed. Use the Check/Uncheck All button to toggle between checking all payments or un-checking all of the payments.
- To select individual permits for disbursement, make sure the Pay to State box is checked for these permits. The Totals at the bottom adjust automatically. The State Fee includes the 5% commission that is also shown separately in the next column. The Amount Due State is equal to the State Fee + Surcharge + Late Charge - 5% Commission.
- To make these permits available for processing in TaxLedge, click the Send to Disbursements button.
- A confirmation message with an auto-generated Load numbers appears. You may want to write this number down. Click OK to return to the Disbursements screen, where the payments just processed appear with the Load numbers field populated.
- (optional) Check Show Disbursed to see all permits that have been processed in this screen. You should be able to see the funds that you just loaded. Amounts that have been posted back do not appear in this screen.
Technical Note: The Status in the distribution table changes to 'IT'.
- To void a load, see these instructions: Void a Disbursement.
To verify a load and print a state payment reconciliation report,
- On the Go
To list, select Batch Menu,
or return to the Main Menu
and click the Batch Menu icon
- Click on the State Payment Reconciliation Report line, batch menu no. 15101.
- The Client ID should be filled in for you.
- Enter the Disbursement Load No. from step 8 above.
- Click the Submit button.
- Click OK on the "OK to Submit Job" message.
- To review and print your report, see Reviewing/Printing Reports. This report allows you to verify the load. The Grand Totals should match those on the Disbursement screen for this particular load.
- You are now ready to disburse these funds in TaxLedge. See Disburse through TaxLedge for further instructions. If you have already processed this load through TaxLedge, the check number will appear on this report.