Create a Refund

Last Revised: January 14, 2015

Refunds can be processed for full payments or for just the fee amounts that were paid along with the permit amounts. They may need to be created if, for example, the business paid a late fee, but TABC did not charge the same fee or if  the permit application was denied by TABC. Refunds are created by opening a refund deposit and selecting the payment to be refunded, These refunds are then put into batches and sent to TaxLedge, where the refund checks are printed. A postback process then updates the Permits system.

The following instructions describe how a refund can be created through a deposit. For instructions on how to create refund batches, see Process Pending Refunds.

Security jobs, tasks, and entitlements needed for creating and viewing refunds are:

Job Task Entitlement Description Batch Menu Report/Process
LP_SHOW_DEPCTL_TOTALS Show the deposit counts and amounts on the Deposit Control screen  
LP_REFUND_DEPOSIT Grants user the ability to open and use a refund deposit.  
LP_CLOSE_DEPOSITS Allows the user to close any deposit on any date  
RUN_BATCH_JOBS_AND_REPORTS BATCHMENU Grants access to the Batch Menu screen 15008 - Refund Process
FILE_UPLOAD Activates the File Upload button on the Batch Menu screen  

For step-by-step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.

  1. In the Deposit Control screen, open or re-open a Refund deposit.
  2. Click Payment Transaction; the Refund screen appears.
  3. You will first need to locate the payment that you want to reverse.
  • If the screen is filled in with different permit information than you need, press F7.
  • Enter an Account No. and/or a Permit No.
  • Press F8 (Execute Query).
  1. For the selected accounts, the following information appears:
  • Permit No. - the permit number that was paid
  • Expiration Date - the permit expiration date
  • Deposit - the deposit number for the original payment
  • Deposit Date - the deposit date for the original payment
  • All Types - a check box used to select the entire payment to refund
  • State, Surcharge, County, City, Renewal, Late Charge and Misc. - one or more of these fees may be selected for refunding.
  1. Place a check in the boxes to the right of the amount of the fee(s) you want to reverse or check the All Types box, which will also check all of the fee amounts paid. More than one fee and/ or permit may be selected for refund at the same time
  2. Click Process Refund; a Process Completed Successfully message will appear.

Note: The results of a refund can be seen in the escrow column on the Account Status screen and on the Account Status Remittance tab, where the amounts are given as $0.00.  The amount that was selected to refund no longer shows in the payment columns of the Account Status screen.

Technical Note: The Status changes from null to RF (pending refund). If you are refunding the entire amount of the permit, the Status of the receipt number is updated to Void. This status is not changed if only part of the permit amount is refunded.

  1. You must close the deposit after you have selected all of the refunds. To do this return to the Deposit Control screen, change the Deposit Status from Open to Closed, then press F10 to save the change.
  2. To continue processing refunds by creating a 'batch' and writing checks in TaxLedge, see Process Pending Refunds.