Delinquent Alcohol Permit Letters and File

Last Revised: December 12, 2016

This batch process is used to print final delinquent notices for beer and liquor permits which have already received first and second notices (for information on Statement Types 1 and 2, see Alcohol Statements, batch menu no. 15013). A .csv file is also produced and can be sent to TABC.

Security jobs, tasks, and entitlements using this screen are:

Job Task Entitlement and Description
LPBATCHREQUEST, access to the batch request screen to review reports
FILE_UPLOAD, activates the File Upload button on the Batch Menu screen

For step-by-step instructions on Security jobs, tasks and entitlements, please click here to see the documentation in the Tax Collection System help.

Client Preferences

CPA: (in TCS) Enter the name of the tax assessor/collector

PERMITS_CPA_TITLE: Enter the tax assessor/collector's job title for the top of the letter

PERMITS_PHONE1: Enter the phone number to use as the first number listed at the top of statements

PERMITS_PHONE2: Enter the phone number to use as the second number listed at the top of statements

PERMITS_ADDRESS: Enter the street address, city, state and zip code for the top of the letter

PERMITS_COUNTY_NAME: Enter the county name (omit the word 'County')

PERMITS_COUPON_PAYABLE: Enter the tax assessor/collector's name and any professional credentials (for ex., CTA) wanted for the body of the letter


  1. From  the Main Menu, click the Batch Products button or select Products then select Batch Products. The Batch Menu will appear.
  2. Click on the Delinquent_Alcohol_Permit_Letters_and_File_Screen.htmDelinquent Alcohol Permit Letters and File line, batch menu no. 15014.
  3. Press Enter. The parameter screen appears.
  4. Enter your ACT Client ID if it is not already populated.
  5. (optional) Enter an Account No. to print a statement for a single account.
  6. Click the Submit button.
  7. Click OK on the "OK to Submit Job" message.
  8. To review and print your report, see Reviewing/Printing Reports.
  9. To put the file on ACT's FTP server, go to the batch menu in the Tax Collection System and run batch menu no. 10009, FTP to Mortgage Site Process. The directory name should be '/usr2/spool/act'. The file name is case sensitive and must include the extension. The name of the file is given in the batch request table (it is 'delq_[seq. no.].csv).