How to Do a Query

Last Revised: August 13, 2009

A query is the same thing as a search. If you want to look for any information in the Permits system, you will often need to perform a query.

  1. Press F7 (Enter Query) to clear the screen.

Note: You do not need to press F7 on every screen because some screens open in query 'mode'. See the instructions for specific topics in this Help system for information about doing queries on each screen.

  1. Place your cursor in any field (for ex., account number or owner name) and type the information you want to query (for ex., an account number).
  2. Press F8 (Execute Query); the first record matching the information you entered is displayed.
  3. Use the Previous and Next buttons on the toolbar at the top of the screen to see other rows of information that match your search criteria.
  4. To clear the screen, the method varies depending on what screen you are viewing:
  • In the Payment screens, click Record on the menu bar, then select Clear.
  • In the Account Search, Account Status, and Owner Master screens, press F7.