Status Report
Last Revision: September 26, 2013
The Status Report provides a summary of transactions for a specified time period. The following information is displayed on the Summary report for each hotel and year: period, base tax, credit applied, amounts paid for tax, penalty, interest, overage, and NSF, the total paid, discount applied, tax due, remaining discount, penalty due, interest due, and total due. Subtotals are provided for each hotel and year. Grand totals are given at the end.
The Detail report shows, for each hotel and year, period, receipt no., receipt date, remit seq., check no., credit applied, amounts paid for tax, penalty, interest, overage, and NSF, and the total paid. Subtotals are provided for each hotel and year. Grand totals are given at the end.
HOTBATCHMENU: View and run reports and batch processes on the Batch Menu. Each user must also be granted the user security access for each batch menu report or process. This is done in ACT's Tax Collection System.
- Enter 7 in the Select box on the Main Menu, then press Enter or select Batch Menu on the Go To list; the Batch Menu screen will appear.
- Click on the Hotel/Motel Status Report line, batch menu no. 16105.
- Press Enter. The parameter screen appears.
- The Client ID field should be populated with your ACT Client ID.
- In the As Of Date field, enter a date for which to determine penalty and interest.
- (optional) Leave the Begin Year and End Year fields blank to report data from all years, or enter one or both years to limit the data on the report
- (optional) In the Hotel No. field, enter a specific hotel ID to display data only for that hotel or leave blank to retrieve all hotels.
- In the Summary or Detail field, leave the default of SUMMARY to or enter DETAIL to includes these.
- Click Submit Report, then click Yes to the confirmation message.
- Click Batch Request to see when the report is finished.
- Click Present Report to view the report as a .pdf.