Taking/Voiding an Online Payment
Last Revision: August 20, 2019
Use the Online Payment program to take a payment for a hotel/motel account. The sales report can be filed and a receipt printed at the same time. If NSF fees are due, they will be paid first.
HOTPAYMENT: Take payments in an online deposit
Client Preferences:
HM_OVERPAY: Enter the unit no. to store overpayment money
HM_SALES_RPT_DETAIL: Enter Y to check the Sales Report Detail box on the Payment screen by default or N to leave it unchecked by default. [Currently this preference is obsolete]
HM_BILL_FREQUENCY : Enter Q for quarterly or M for monthly billing
HM_SHOW_QTRLY_PER_MTHLY_FILING: Enter Y to show Q11, Q12 and Q13 in the Period drop-down list or N to not display these options.
HM_PRINT_RECEIPT: Enter Y to check the Print Receipt box on the Payment screen by default or N to leave it unchecked by default.
HM_REMOVE_DSCT: Enter Y to prevent the Remove Discount checkbox from being used. Set to N (the default) to allow it to be used.
Client Preferences for payments made on the hotel-motel web portal only:
HM_WEB_SERVICE_URL: Enter the URL for posting HOT portal payments to the database; expire if payments are not taken on the portal at your tax office.
HM_EPAY_ID: Enter the hotel motel payment portal merchant ID; expire if payments are not taken on the portal at your tax office.
HM_EPAY_URL: Enter the URL for sending HOT portal payment data to vendor; expire if payments are not taken on the portal at your tax office.
HM_EPAY_LIMIT: Enter the maximum amount accepted for HOT portal payments. Expire or enter 0.00 if payments are not taken on the portal at your tax office.
- For an online payment deposit, enter 3 in the Select box on the Main Menu, then press Enter, or select Online Payment on the Go To list.
- In the Deposit Control screen, open or re-open a deposit.
- Click Payment Transaction; the Payment Entry screen will appear. The Deposit No, Certified Owner, Deposit Date, Operator ID, Receipt Date, Year, Month, Start Date, and UPTV Rate fields are auto-filled.
- If the Hotel ID field is blank or if you need to change this number, click in the field and enter the new one. Press Tab.
- Enter the Year to be paid or press F9 to see a list of possible options. If the owner for the year is not the current year owner, a warning message will appear.
- Enter the Period to be paid or press F9 to see a list of possible options. If the owner for the year is not the current year owner, a warning message will appear.
- Change the Receipt Date if desired.
- From the Remit Type drop-down field, select ACH/Wire Transfer, Cash, Check, Credit Card, or Money Order.
- If you selected Check above, enter the Check No.
- Enter the Total Room Receipt amount for the period.
- Enter the amount of Total Exemptions for the period.
- To pay fees (for ex., an NSF fee), click Payment Only. These fees will be paid in full before applying funds to the hotel tax. Fees cannot be paid if New Report is clicked instead of Payment only. A sales report must be filed before Payment Only can be selected.
- (optional) Click Remove Discount if desired.
- (optional) Click Use Credit if the Available Credit field shows an amount greater than $0.00 and you want to apply that overpayment credit to this payment.
- Click Calculate. The remaining fields in the center of the screen populate and the Calculate button is renamed Edit..
- (optional) If either the Total Room Receipt or Total Exemptions were entered incorrectly or if you wish to remove discount or apply credit, click Edit to make changes, then click Calculate again.
- Enter the Payment Amount.
- Press Tab. The Apply Amount populates.
- (optional) Click Print Receipt if desired. Click here to see a sample receipt. The Taxable Receipt amount is the amount paid for the year and period. The amounts in the Paid section at the bottom are for the payment only.
- (optional) Click Sales Report Detail. A popup window appears where you can enter amounts for total exemptions, taxable receipt, tax due, discount, credit, 30 and 60 day penalties, interest and total amount due. Click OK when this is completed.
- Click Apply.
- Click OK to the Report has been filed successfully message.
To void a payment,
- Re-open the deposit in which the payment was taken.
- Click Void. A popup window of payments in the deposit appears.
- Click Unpay next to the payment to void.
- Click Process.
- Click OK to the Process Voided message.
- Click Cancel to return to the Payment screen.