Client Preferences
Last Revision: January 24, 2023
Currently the HOT system includes these client preferences:
Preference Name | Description | Definition |
CRAWLER1_BMI16102 | Message for insertion on BMI 16102 | CRAWLER1_BMI16102: Enter the text desired for the crawler on the delinquent tax bills. |
FORMAT_FOR_BMI16103 | Format for the Sales Report, BMI 16103 | Enter 1 for Harris County, 2 for Jefferson County, or 3 for Wise County |
HM_ALLOW_MANUAL_ENTER_ACC_NMBR | Manual entry of Hotel ID | Set to Y (default) to allow manual entry of a Hotel ID when creating a new hotel. Set to N to not allow this. |
HM_BILL_FREQUENCY | Processing frequency. | Enter Q for quarterly or M for monthly billing |
HM_CONTACT_PHONE | Phone number for contacts | Enter a tax office phone number |
HM_DECLARE_CHECKBOX | Wording for checkbox at bottom of Portal screen's File Report tab | Enter the text to use for the declaration when filing a sales report online |
HM_DELQ_LETTER_SIGNATURE1, HM_DELQ_LETTER_SIGNATURE2, HM_DELQ_LETTER_SIGNATURE3 | Delinquent letter signature | Enter the signature(s) to print on delinquent letters |
HM_DELQ_LETTER_SUBJECT1, HM_DELQ_LETTER_SUBJECT2 | Delinquent letter subject | Enter the subject(s) to print on delinquent letters |
HM_DELQ_STATEMENT_TITLE | Delinquent statement title | Enter the title for delinquent statements |
HM_DELQ_STATEMENT_TRAILER1, HM_DELQ_STATEMENT_TRAILER2 | Delinquent statement trailer | Enter the text to use as a trailer on delinquent statements |
HM_DEPDATE_NEXT_DAY | Default default deposit date | Y - Default the deposit date on new deposits to next business day, N - default deposit to same day |
HM_INTEREST_ON_PENALTY | Should interest be charged on penalty and tax or just tax | Enter Y to charge interest on penalty and tax or N to charge interest only on tax |
HM_LETTERHEAD_ADDRESS1, HM_LETTERHEAD_ADDRESS2, HM_LETTERHEAD_ADDRESS3, HM_LETTERHEAD_ADDRESS4 | Letterhead address | Enter the tax office address to use on letterhead area of letters and reports |
HM_LETTER_SIGNATURE1, HM_LETTER_SIGNATURE2, HM_LETTER_SIGNATURE3 | Letter signature | Enter the signature information for letters |
HM_LETTER_SUBJECT1, _LETTER_SUBJECT2 | Letter subject lines | Enter the subject line for letters |
HM_MAILING_ADDRESS1, HM_MAILING_ADDRESS2, HM_MAILING_ADDRESS3, HM_MAILING_ADDRESS4 | Mailing address for checks and reports | Enter the mailing address to use on checks and reports |
HM_NSF_CHECK_FEE | Return check fee | Enter the amount of the returned item fee |
HM_NSF_TAXUNIT | Return check jurisdiction | Enter the unit no. to store returned item fees |
HM_OVERPAY | Overpay jurisdiction | Enter the unit no. to store overpayment money |
HM_PAYABLE_TO | Payable to name | Enter a name to print as the Payable to name. |
HM_PRINT_RECEIPT | Auto-check Print Receipts box on back office Payment screen | Enter Y to check the Print Receipt box on the Payment screen by default or N to leave it unchecked by default. |
HM_RECEIPT_RETURN_ADDRESS1, HM_RECEIPT_RETURN_ADDRESS2, HM_RECEIPT_RETURN_ADDRESS3 | Return address on receipts | Enter the return address for receipts |
HM_REMOVE_DSCT | Disable Remove Discount checkbox. | Enter Y to prevent the Remove Discount checkbox from being used. Set to N (the default) to allow it to be used. |
HM_REPORT_TITLE | Title for report mailed to hotel owners | Enter a title to use on the report mailed to hotel owners |
HM_SALES_RPT_DETAIL | Auto-check Enter Sales Report Detail box on back office Payment screen | Enter Y to check the Sales Report Detail box on the Payment screen by default or N to leave it unchecked by default. |
HM_START_DATE | Starting date for reports | Enter the starting date for your HOT data |
HM_SHOW_QTRLY_PER_MTHLY_FILING | Should Q11, Q12, Q13 appear in Period drop-down list | Enter Y to show Q11, Q12 and Q13 in the Period drop-down list or Nto not display these options. |
HM_STATEMENT_SIGNATURE1, HM_STATEMENT_SIGNATURE2, HM_STATEMENT_SIGNATURE3, HM_STATEMENT_SIGNATURE4, HM_STATEMENT_SIGNATURE5 | Signature lines on statement | Enter the signature information for statements |
HM_STATEMENT_TITLE | Statement title | Enter the title for the statement |
HM_STATEMENT_TRAILER1, HM_STATEMENT_TRAILER2 | Statement trailer | Enter the information for the statement trailer |
HM_TRAILING_MESSAGE | Message to show at bottom of Portal screen's Select Filing Period | Message to show at bottom of Portal screen's Select Filing Period |
HM_EPAY_ID | Hotel-motel payment portal merchant ID | Enter the hotel motel payment portal merchant ID; expire if payments are not taken on the portal at your tax office. |
HM_EPAY_LIMIT | Maximum amount accepted for hotel-motel portal payments | Enter the maximum amount accepted for HOT portal payments. Expire or enter 0.00 if payments are not taken on the portal at your tax office. |
HM_EPAY_URL | URL for sending hotel-motel portal payment data to vendor | Enter the URL for sending HOT portal payment data to vendor; expire if payments are not taken on the portal at your tax office. |
HM_WEB_SERVICE_URL | URL for posting HOT portal payments to the database | Enter the URL for posting HOT portal payments to the database; expire if payments are not taken on the portal at your tax office. |
PRINT_SELF_ADDR_ENV_LINE_16104 | Text for part of BMI 16104 | Enter the desired text for the last paragraph of the letters produced by BMI 16104, Hotel/Motel Non-Filing Letters and Report. |