Document Management

Last Revised: September 14, 2022

The Document screen can be used to store and retrieve any type of document, spreadsheet or image and associate the document with an account or jurisdiction. Depending on a user's security settings, documents can be deleted or hidden from view. This screen can be accessed from the Main Menu. See below for more information.


The following user entitlementsmust be set for each user who needs access to the Document screen.

HOT_DOCUMENTS - Allows users to access the Document screen.

HOT_DOCUMENT_ADD - Allows users to add a document if they also have ACT_DOCUMENTS and DOCUMENTS_TAB. For users without this entitlement, the Add Document tab is hidden.

HOT_DOCUMENT_COMMENTS - Allows users to change the comments and descriptions attached to a document.

HOT_DOCUMENT_DELETE - Allows users to delete a document from the system once it has been added.

HOT_DOCUMENT_VIEW_ALL - Allows users to view restricted documents.

Documents Screen: Searching for, Viewing, and Deleting Documents

  1. From the Main Menu, select Products, then Documents, or click Administration, then Tax Unit Maintenance. From the Tax Unit Maintenance screen, click the Jurisdiction Documents button to see the screen. From the Fiduciary Master screen, click the Fiduciary Documents button. From most screens, you can also click Accounts at the top and select Documents.
  2. The Documents screen lists any documents that are associated with either the account, fiduciary, or jurisdiction, depending on what screen you were on previously. If no documents are available, the Documents screen opens in 'query mode', which allows you to search for a document. After doing a search, you can view a document or make changes to the comments.  
  3. To do a search, enter a Hotel ID if the correct one is not already auto-populated and/or a tax Year.
  4. Press F8. The  documents found for this hotel and/or year will be listed.
  5. To view a document, click the button with the asterisk (*) on it at the end of the row for the document you want to see.
  1. If you have the HOT_DOCUMENT_COMMENTS entitlement, you can change an existing comment. You cannot change the contents of the uploaded document.
  2. If you have the HOT_DOCUMENT_DELETE entitlement,you can delete a document by highlighting the row and clicking the Delete button on the lower right side of the screen. Click Yes  to the confirmation message. The document is deleted without having to press Save.

Adding Documents

  1. From the Main Menu, select Documents.
  2. The Document screen will open.
  3. If the hotel has documents stored already, they will be listed in this screen. If not, a message appears saying no data can be found.
  4. Click the Add Document tab.
  5. In the Hotel ID field, enter a Hotel ID  to which the document will be attached. This may be auto-populated.
  6. Select the appropriate Document Type from the drop-down list.
  7. In the Reference field, select the month of the document from the drop-down list.
  8. From the drop-down list, select the Document Type. See the client preference CLIENT_DOCUMENT_TYPES above for more information.
  9. Enter a short description in the Description field.
  10. Enter Comments in the space provided.
  1. Click the Browse button to find the file to be stored. In the popup window that appears, locate and select the file to be stored. Once the file is selected, the directory and file name should appear in the File Name field.
  2. If you want this document to be viewed by some, but not all users, check the Restricted box before uploading the document. To view a restricted document, the user must have the user entitlement DOCUMENT_VIEW_ALL checked.
  3. Click the Upload Document button.
  4. Click OK to the confirmation message. When the file has been loaded to the system, there is no further saving to be done.
  5. To view an uploaded document, refer to the Searching for, Viewing, and Deleting Documents section of this topic.