Deposit Detail/Summary Report
Last Revision: October 4, 2021
The Deposit Detail/Summary Report provides a way to balance deposits on a daily basis. For each deposit (and in detail mode, each payment) the following payment information is provided: tax, penalty, interest, overage, discount, NSF, amount paid, credit applied, and total business (sum of amount paid minus credit applied). Subtotals by deposit and a grand total are also given.
HOTBATCHMENU: View and run reports and batch processes on the Batch Menu. Each user must also be granted the user security access for each batch menu report or process. This is done in ACT's Tax Collection System.
- Enter 7 in the Select box on the Main Menu, then press Enter or select Batch Menu on the Go To list; the Batch Menu screen will appear.
- Click on the Hotel/Motel Deposit Detail/Summary Report line, batch menu no. 16106.
- Press Enter. The parameter screen appears.
- The Client ID field should be populated with your ACT Client ID.
- In the Begin Deposit Date and End Deposit Date fields, enter a date range for which to retrieve data. If you enter a Year and Period below, do not enter deposit dates.
- In the Year field, enter the year for which to retrieve deposits. Do not fill in this field if you entered deposit dates above.
- In the Period field, enter the period for which to retrieve deposit. Do not fill in this field if you entered deposit dates above.
- Leave the Hotel ID field blank to retrieve all hotels or enter a specific hotel ID to display data only for that hotel.
- Leave the Tax Unit field blank to retrieve all units or enter a specific jurisdiction number to limit the data on the report.
- Leave the Deposit No. field blank to retrieve all deposits fthat fit the search criteria entered above or enter one or more specific deposit numbers ( separated by comma) to limit the data.
- In the Summary or Detail field, leave the default of SUMMARY to retrieve information by deposit or enter DETAIL to see information for each payment. If run in summary mode, a .csv file of the data is also created.
- In the Sort Order field, enter HOTELID to sort by deposit, then hotel ID when the report is run in Detail mode (see above) or enter REMITSEQ to sort by deposit, then remit sequence number when run in Detail mode.
- In the Omit TU Column on Detail Rpt field, enter Y to not have the tax units listed on the detail report or N to include them.
- Click Submit Report, then click Yes to the confirmation message.
- Click Batch Request to see when the report is finished.
- Click Present Report to view the report as a .pdf. The Detail report shows information at the level of deposit, hotel ID, and tax unit.