Taking Payment for Multiple BIlling Periods

Last Revision: February 27, 2024

Use the Payment Allocation screen to take a payment for more than one billing period for a single hotel/motel account.  This is designed to be used with sales reports filed on the Hotel-Motel portal for which the taxpayer mail in their payments along with a payment form printed from the portal.


HOTPAY_ALLOCATION: View and use the Payment Allocation screen.

  1. For an online payment deposit, enter 3 in the Select box on the Main Menu, then press Enter, or select Online Payment on the Go To list.
  2. In the Deposit Control screen, open or re-open a deposit.
  3. Click Pmt Transaction-Multiple; the Payment Allocation screen will appear.  
  4. The Payment Reference No. is needed to search for the correct payment. If the payment form is not included with the mailed-in check, click the Payment Ref # Lookup button. This can also be used for payments taken in the HOT Portal.
  5. On the Reference # Lookup popup window, enter the Hotel ID for which to search for payments.
  6. Press F8. Any existing payment reference numbers will be displayed.
  7. Highlight the payment reference row of the payment to be posted. As you click in each Payment Ref # row, the payment information on the right side of the window changes.
  8. Click OK to move the reference number to the Payment Allocation screen.
  1. On the Payment Allocation screen, enter the Payment Amount (the amount being paid).
  2. If the payer is not the owner, click Alt Pay..
  3. To enter a new payer name, click New and either click the asterisk to the right of Name 1 to locate an existing payer's name or manually enter the payer's name, address, phone, email and other available information.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click OK.
  6. To edit the payer name displayed, click Edit.
  7. Make the necessary changes.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Select a Remit Type from the drop-down list. Your choices include ACH/Wire Transfer, Cash, Check, Credit Card, and Money Order.
  11. If the Remit Type is Check, enter a Check # (check number).
  12. If necessary, adjust the Paid Amount for each billing period until the Hotel Totals match the Payment Amount. Warning message appear if these amounts do not match.
  13. (optional) Click Recalculate to return to the original payment amounts.
  14. Click Submit.
  15. Click Print Receipt to generate a receipt for this payment.