Withhold, Write Off or Delete Refunds

Last Updated March 3, 2014

You can prevent individual refunds in a load from being paid by following the steps below for either deleting or withholding refunds.

Any individual refunds that need to be split into two or more recipients can be deleted in TaxLedge, then processed through the Manual Payment Requests screen and posted back manually in the Tax Collection system.

The following roles and user entitlements should be set in the Tax Collection System for users needing to withhold or delete refund program in TaxLedge.

Refund Screen Roles

GLTAXLEDGE_FOUNDATION - Allows access to the TaxLedge database tables. Restrictions are made by removing entitlements to users.

Refund Screen Entitlements

ACTGL_REFUND – Allows access to the Refund screen.

GLADJUST_REFUNDS - Allows users to update or make changes to refund records.

GLWRITEOFF_REFUNDS - Shows the Write Off All checkbox and activates the Write Off option.

Click here to see what parts of the screen these entitlements cover.

If you want to delete a refund from the load entirely:

  1. In the Refunds (Payment Remittance) screen, check the box in the Delete column for any account that you do not want to refund. Deleted refunds remain in the ACT Tax Collection System until paid and will appear in the next run of the TC536. If you have processed the refunds to the Check Writer, you must first cancel the refund request.
  2. In the Reason field at the bottom of the screen, enter the reason the refund is being deleted.
  3. If all refunds are ready to process, click Process at the bottom of the screen to begin the processing. A message window will appear notifying the user that the checks marked as Delete will not be processed.
  4. You now have the option of either saving your changes or continue processing. To continue processing, go to step 5 below.  To save your changes without processing them, click Save Changes. You can then search for Available refunds in this load, which would not display those deleted or withheld.

 If you have clicked Delete on any refunds, then click Save Changes, you cannot change them to Hold or Remit them later.

  1. Click Yesto continue processing. When TaxLedge processes the remaining requests, it removes the deleted records from the list of requested records and updates the record history to add the Reason comments.  These deleted requests will not appear in the Check Writer screen.
  2. If you want to see a list of deleted refunds, search in the Refund screen for deleted records.  A list of deleted refunds from the current refund file appears, but you cannot change their status to either Hold or Remit.

If you want to withhold a refund for processing later, but before refunds are printed in the Check Writer:

  1. In the Refunds (Payment Remittance) screen, check the box in the Hold column for any account that you do not want to refund.  Held refunds remain in TaxLedge's Refund module until either posted back or deleted.  They will appear in the next run of the 536 if they are not processed before other refunds from the loaded refund file are posted back to the Tax Collection System.

Note:  If your tax office has requested that refunds over a certain amount be placed on hold automatically, those refunds will have the Hold box checked automatically. The Hold box can be unchecked when the refund is approved for payment.

  1. If needed, enter the reason the refund is being held in the Reason field at the bottom of the screen.
  2. If all refunds are ready to process, click Process at the bottom of the screen to begin the processing.
  3. Click Yes to continue processing. When TaxLedge processes the remaining requests, it places the held records in a list of unrequested records and updates the record history to add the Reason comments.  These held requests will not appear in the Check Writer screen.
  4. If you want to process some of the refunds you have just held, you must do this before you post anything from this refund load back to ACT's Tax Collection System.  Search for Unrequested records, which will be flagged as Remit.  You can then remit, hold, or delete them as usual.

If you want to Write off a refund:

  1. In the Refunds (Payment Remittance) screen, check the box in the Write Off column for any account that you do not want to refund.  Written off refunds are normally those that are older than three years. TaxLedge allows these to be written off without writing a check.  After posting back the refund batch, these refunds are zeroed out in the Tax Collection System.
  2. If needed, enter the reason the refund is being held in the Reason field at the bottom of the screen.
  3. If all refunds are ready to process, click Process at the bottom of the screen to begin the processing.
  4. Click Yes to continue processing. After posting back the refunds, a note is inserted into the Tax Collection System.