Load a Remittance File
Last Updated June 22, 2022
When the Remit screen opens, the remaining unremitted balances for all tax units and attorneys for the current roll year are displayed. Records are ready to process at this point. If you wish to load a new file, follow the steps below.
The following roles and user entitlements should be set in the Tax Collection System for users needing to load remittance files in TaxLedge.
Remittance Screen Roles
GLTAXLEDGE_FOUNDATION - Allows access to the TaxLedge database tables. Restrictions are made by removing entitlements to users.
Remittance Screen Entitlements
ACTGL_REMIT – Allows access to the Remit screen.
GLLOAD_REMITTANCES – Enable the Load and Void Load buttons on the Remit screen.
Click here to see other entitlements needed to perform certain actions on this screen.
- Open TaxLedge and log in.
- On TaxLedge’s Main Menu bar, select Disbursements, then select Remittance. The Remittance module will open to the Remit screen. Any remaining disbursement balances will be displayed automatically.
- Enter a Batch Seq. number for the specific file you want to load. These numbers are provided on the Load Summary report. ACT 7 clients do not need to enter a date range (see step 1) if they enter a Batch Seq. number.
- Some tax offices may want its employees to enter a Bank Deposit Date to use on various reports. ACT can activate a Bank Deposit Date field in TaxLedge for those who want this feature. If, after loading the remittances (or after printing remittance letters), you need to change the bank deposit date, enter the correct date, then click the Update Bank Date button to save your change.
- (optional) In the Date Range From …To … fields, type the date that you last ran the TC298 Deposit Distribution report in the Tax Collection system. The format for entering the date is MM/DD/YYYY. The End Date is used as the remit date.
Note: The Date Range fields are most useful when searching for information this screen.
- Select the file type you wish to load from the File Type drop-down menu. The choices include: Rendition, Property Tax, SIT Fines/Penalties, SIT Overpayment, and SIT Penalty/Interest.
If in the Tax Collection System, the client preference TL_COMBINE is set to Y, two files are created, one for non-embedded rendition penalty (which is usually stored in unit 1095) and one for tax levy and embedded rendition penalty. To disburse the non-embedded rendition penalty, you must load the file with a Rendition file type; to load the tax levy and embedded rendition penalties, use the Property Tax file type (but see the next step also). The Rendition file contains only 95% of the rendition amounts in the regular jurisdictions; the remaining 5% is in the Property Tax file for disbursal to the appraisal district.
If the client preference TL_COMBINE is set to N, only one file is created, which includes any non-embedded rendition penalties collected. Load this file with a file type of Property Tax. The individual jurisdiction totals include 95% of the rendition penalty.
Regardless of how the TL_COMBINE preference is set, the Property Tax loads always include the 5% of the rendition penalty that is disbursed to the appraisal district and usually stored in unit 1095. This can be seen in the TX298X in the Tax Collection System. The RENDITION_CONTROL client preference in the Tax Collection System is not considered when loading these files.
Note: For tax offices that want to distribute property tax money daily and rendition penalty monthly, the TC298 can be run in Edit mode in the Tax Collection System. This allows the property tax money but not the rendition penalty funds to be loaded into TaxLedge. The TC298 can be run for the date range of a month in Update mode, which provides the rendition penalty amounts to be disbursed. The TC298 when run in Update mode also provides the property tax funds, but these cannot be loaded into TaxLedge if they had been loaded earlier for any date within the date range of this 'Updated' TC298. The TaxLedge program checks to see if the date range and type (property tax) have already been loaded and prevents duplicate data loads. (see the stop below
- For Gregg County, Nueces County, Hidalgo County, and San Patricio County (all of whom have the preference DISB_298X_SEPARATELY set to Y), a checkbox called Load Embedded Rendition Penalty MUST be checked in order to load rendition penalty from the TC298 run in update mode. If it is not checked, rendition penalty is loaded as part of the regular tax levy. If it is checked, only rendition money will be loaded; rendition monies will be pulled from the regular tax units and placed in the rendition tax units.These offices should do two loads for each date range if they want to load rendition penalty - first with the checkbox not checked, so that tax monies are loaded and second with the box checked IF they want to load rendition penalty monies and display them separately. For other tax offices that embed rendition penalty, the rendition penalty is loaded at the same time as other property tax data is loaded.
- If you accept liquor inventory taxes, key in the amount that you received for this load in the Liquor Total field. Some clients may enter these in the Remittance Adjustment screen instead of here.
Note: This field will be hidden for tax offices that do not need to use it (the client preference LIQUOR_PERCENT is set to 0). If the field is used and an amount is entered, the total will be added to the remittance data at the bottom of the screen.
- Click the Load Data button to load the file into TaxLedge.
Notes: TaxLedge does not allow files having the same date range to be loaded twice (for the same date range, only one rendition and one tax file can be loaded). Each load period must be unique, that is, with no overlap. If previous loads contain any unremitted balances, these will be displayed automatically when the Remittance module is opened again.
If bank information is missing for any jurisdiction being loaded, a popup message will appear alerting you to that fact. You can click Yes to continue the load, or No to abort it. Bank information can be updated in the Banks screen.
Only those units having a checkmark in the Disburse through TaxLedge box in the Tax Unit Maintenance screen in the Tax Collection system will be loaded.
For tax offices servicing multiple counties, rendition commissions can be allocated to these counties if, in TCS, a separate tax unit exists for each county's rendition amount, in addition to the normal unit 1095. The Unit Type in the Tax Unit Maintenance screen for these units must be RENCOMM and the Appraisal District Code should be the county code. The Disburse to TaxLedge box must be checked and the rendition % must also be entered. The Unit Type for unit 1095 must NOT be RENCOMM and for this unit, the Appraisal District Code must be blank.
Depending on your tax office's jurisdictional rules, TIF and TIF penalty & interest amounts can be displayed on the Remit screen.
For some tax offices, a Quickbooks file of data by deposit (or deposits by jurisdiction) is created and put in the 'office' directory on the ACT FTP server.
By default, TaxLedge will display amounts due from the first business day of the current roll year to the last business day of the current roll year.
To calculate the remaining balances for a particular period, enter a date range in the Date Range From To fields reflecting the period you want to use, then click Recalculate. TaxLedge will retrieve the load for that date range. If the End Date entered is not the same as the one used when the file was initially loaded, a message will appear telling you that the End Date will revert to the original one.
Technical notes: A database field called load_type is used to determine if cost per account commission is charged on rendition penalty. If the field is null, CPA commission is charged against all levy in the load, which as of 2007 (if the TCS client preference RENDITION_CONTROL is set to EMBED) includes tax levy and rendition penalty. If the field is F, cost per account commission is not charged on rendition penalty. If it set to X, cost per account commission is charged on rendition penalty and we assume that these rendition amounts are sent on a separate file (either BMI 13 in TCS or as a result of behind the scenes work in TaxLedge). If the field is set to R, CPA commission is charged against all levy in the load.