Search a Refund Load
Last Updated February 10, 2015
To review a previous refund load, find and then process a specific refund, or select unprocessed records for a specific date, range of dates, or type, follow the steps below.
The following roles and user entitlements should be set in the Tax Collection System for users needing to perform these refund tasks in TaxLedge.
Refund Screen Roles
GLTAXLEDGE_FOUNDATION - Allows access to the TaxLedge database tables. Restrictions are made by removing entitlements to users.
Refund Screen Entitlements
ACTGL_REFUND – Allows access to the Refund screen.
You can reuse a TC536 file if you have withheld some refunds within TaxLedge, and want to either confirm that what you did was correct, or process some of those records. This must be done before any refunds are posted back to the Tax Collection System.
You cannot process refunds that have been paid or deleted until you run a new TC536 in the Tax Collection system and then load that new file into TaxLedge. Also, only one user at a time can work on the same refund file (created from the same TC536).
The simplest way to search for a specific refund is to enter an Account No. or owner name (in the Name 1 field), then click Find. Another way to search for an entire refund batch is as follows:
- In the Refund (Payment Remittance) screen, choose a refund type from the Payment Type drop-down list.
- (optional) If you know the Batch Sequence number of the refund load you want to search, enter that number.
- If you do not have a Batch Sequence number, you can enter one of the following pieces of information:
- Request Date Range - Enter the date range used to create the TC536 file in the Tax Collection system.
- Account No. - Enter a specific account number whose refund you want to see.
- Click the radio button next to the type of refunds you want to display: All, Available (not held or deleted), On Hold (put on hold in TaxLedge), or Deleted (deleted in TaxLedge). Unless you have saved deletions or holds, click All. Otherwise, choose any of the options.
Note: If you have deleted records and then saved those changes, they will not appear when you select All.
- Click one of these radio buttons:
- Unrequested - refunds that not yet been processed to the Check Writer.
- Requested/Paid - refunds that have check numbers.
- Requested/Unpaid - refunds that have been requested but are pending payment in the Check Writer. They should not have a check number since they have not been completely processed. Refunds that have been printed, but have been voided using Void/Reprint or Reuse Check can be seen here also.
- Write-Off - refunds that were written off in TaxLedge. These will not have check numbers because no checks were written.
- Click Search. The records that meet the search criteria will be displayed on the screen. You may need to use the scroll bar to see all of them.
- If desired, process, withhold, or delete any or all of these records (except those previously deleted).