User Roles

Last Updated November 22, 2022

Users at each tax office can be restricted to performing certain functions by limiting the roles that they have.  To change roles, you will need to contact the ACT Help Desk.

Base Role

GLTAXLEDGE_FOUNDATION – all TaxLedge users must have this role

Refund Screen Roles

GLREFUND_USER - Allows access to the Refund screens

Refund Screen Entitlements

ACTGL_REFUND – Allows access to the Refund screen

GLLOAD_REFUND - Activates the Load Refunds and Void Load buttons

GLADJUST_REFUNDS - Allows users to update or make changes to refund records

GLCOMBINE_REFUNDS - Enables the Combine Payments checkbox

GLMANUAL_REFUNDS - Allows access to the Manual Payment Requests (Refunds) screen

GLREQUEST_REFUNDS - Activates the Process and Cancel Request buttons

GLWRITEOFF_REFUNDS - Shows the Write Off All checkbox and activates the Write Off option

Remittance Screen Entitlements

ACTGL_REMIT – Allows access to the Remit screen

GLLOAD_REMITTANCES – Enable the Load and Void Load buttons on the Remit screen

GLATTYREMITDETAIL - Allows access to the Attorney Remittance Detail screen

GLLOADSUMMARY - Allows access to the Load Summary screen

GLREMITADJUST - Allows access to the Adjustment screen

GLREQUEST_REMITTANCES - Allows users to see the Process button on the Main Remittance screen

GLTUREMITDETAIL - Allows access to the Tax Unit Remittance Detail screen

GLUPDATELOAD - Activates the Update Load button on the Load Summary screen

Note: There are code preferences that must also be set by ACT related to the GLUPDATELOAD role.

To activate the Bank Date field on the Main Remittance and Load Summary screens, the preference for requiring the bank date to be entered is needed. The codeset requiring the bank date to be entered must also be granted to users.

To activate the Liquor Total field on the Main Remittance and Load Summary screens, the preference for setting the liquor percent is needed. Currently only Bexar County is using the bank date and liquor fields. The codeset requiring the liquor percent to be entered must also be granted to users.

Check Writer Screen Entitlements

ACTGL_CHWRITER - Allow users to see the Check writer screen

GLPROCESS_CHKRUN - Allows users to use the Process button on the Payment Batches tab

GLPAYMENT_PRINTING – Allows users to see the Payment Printing tab

GLNUM_ON_HAND – Allows users to use the Requests on Hand field

GLPROCESS_ADJ - Allows users to use the Process button on the Adjustment tab

GLADJUST_CHECKS  - Allows users to access the Adjustment tab

GLBEGIN_CHK - Allows user to enter values in the New Begin Check Number field

GLCHANGE_PRINTDT - Allows users to change the print date

GLCHKWR_COMMENT - Allows users to update the name, address and comment line information

GLDISCARD_CHECKS - Allows users to see and use the Discard tab   

GLESCHEAT - Allows users to see the Escheat option on the Adjustment tab

GLPOSTBACK - Activates the Postback button   

GLPRINT_CHECKS - Activates the Print Checks button

GLPRINT_COPY - Allows users to print copies of checks and EFT slips on the Adjustment tab

GLRENUMBER_CHECKS - Allows users to renumber checks using the Renumber field and the Update Check Numbers button on the Adjustment tab

GLREUSE_CHECKS - Allows users to use the Reuse checkboxes on the Adjustment tab   

GLSKIP - Allows users to use the skip checkbox

GLSHOW_ACCOUNT - Allows the tax office bank account number to display on the screen

GLVOID_CANCEL - Allows users to cancel checks using the Void/Cancel checkboxes on the Adjustment tab  

GLVOID_REPRINT -  Allows users to void checks using the Void/Reprint checkboxes on the Adjustment tab.

Report Entitlements

TAXLEDGE_REPORTS – allow access to the report menu

GLPOS_PAY - Allows users to see the Positive Pay checkbox on the Bank Register, from where they can create a positive pay file

GLNACHA - Allows only authorized users the ability to create NACHA files from the Bank Register

GLIIF - Allows user to create IIF Quickbooks files from the Bank Register

GLRPTATTY_REMITTANCES - Allows users to print the Attorney Remittance report

GLRPTATTY_REMIT_LETTER - Allows users to print the Attorney Remittance Letter

GLRPTCHECK_REGISTER - Allows users to print the Bank/Check Register report

GLRPTCOMMISSION_CAP - Allows users to print the Commission Cap report

GLRPTCOMMISSION_TOTAL - Allows users to print the Commission report

GLRPTCPA_BILL - Allows users to print the Cost Per Account Letter

GLRPTCPA_REPORT - Allows users to print the Cost Per Account report

GLRPTEFT_REGISTER - Allows users to print the EFT Request report. The default is ACTGL_EFT_PREVIEW.

GLRPTEND_OF_PERIOD - Allows users to print the End of Period report

GLRPTESCHEAT_LETTER - Allows users to print Escheat Letters

GLRPTJURISDICTION_REPORT - Allows users to print the Disbursement report

GLRPTJURIS_REMITTANCES - Allows users to print the Jurisdiction Remittance report

GLRPTLOAD_SUMMARY - Allows users to print the Load Summary report

GLRPTPAYABLE_ENTRIES - Allows users to print the Remittance Adjustment report

GLRPTREFUND_REGISTER - Allows users to print the Refund Register report

GLRPTREMITTANCE_PREVIEW - Allows users to print the Remit Preview report

GLRPTREMIT_BALANCE: Allows users to print the Remittance Balance report

GLRPTTCS297F - Allows users to print the TCS297F report

GLRPTTU_REMIT_LETTER - Allows users to print the Jurisdiction Remittance Letter

Reconciliation Screen Entitlements

ACTGL_BANK_RECON - allow access to the Check Clearing screen

GLAUTO_CLEAR – allows user to clear checks using the automated load process

GLMANUAL_CHKCLEAR – allows users to manually clear checks

GLRECON_FILE – allows users to print a reconciliation file

GLRECON_SUPER – allow users to use the automated load process and to manually clear and unclear checks

Cost Per Account Entitlement

ACTGL_COSTH_PER_ACCT - allow access to the Cost Per Account screen

Maintenance Entitlements *** to be implemented in future release

ACTGL_REMIT_SETUP - Allows users to access the Maintenance screen

GLREMIT_SETUP_CHANGE – Activates change buttons on the Maintenance screen

GLTAX_OFFICE_ADMIN - Allows users to change tax office information on the Remittance Setup screen

GLTAX_OFFICE_BANK_ADMIN - Allows users to change bank/bank account information  on the Remittance Setup screen

GLTAXLEDGE_VIEWONLY - for back end use only