Payment Process
Last revised November 13, 2018
To make a payment using this portal, you cannot pay less than the amount due for each month for which you finalized a sales report.
There are three ways to access your shopping cart.
- Click Cart, which is available at the top of most pages.
- From the sales report screen, click Go to Cart, if this option is available.
- From the Payments Due screen, check the Pay column next to the months to be paid, then click Continue to Cart. The Payments Due screen shows a detailed breakdown of amounts due for all of your dealerships. You can view one dealer at a time by clicking the name of the dealer.
From the initial Pay screen (the shopping cart), you can:
- Click Back to Payments Due to go to the Payments Due screen. This is available even if you did not come from that screen.
- Click Delete to delete a particular month from the shopping cart.
- Click Pay by Mail to generate a form to mail to the tax office with your payment. On subsequent screens, you will be prompted to enter and verify your planned payment information and your contact information. These prompts may vary by vendor.
- Click Pay Online to continue with your payment. On subsequent screens, you will be prompted to enter and verify your payment information, review any conveniences assessed, and complete the payment. These prompts may vary by vendor.